Alyica: Bob's little sister?

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Alyica's POV

Today is another long day on the set, the only thing that is really exciting that isn't exhausting is that Bob said he has a surprise for us at noon, it's 11 right now and we're all waiting in one of the longues.

We wait another 45 mins before Bob and a Short cute girl comes in behind him, Bob smiles and looks back at her.

"AW IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Lindsay yells, causing us to laugh and making Bob and the girl cringe in disgust.

"We're not incest, thank you very much." The girl laughs with a little shine in her eyes, she's so adorable! Her Y/E/C shines with innocence and happiness but also shows that they hide a story. 

"Wait, incest?" Eliza says looking between the two confused and interested.

"Right, Guys meet my little sister Y/n. Y/n meet Rickey, Eliza, Marie, Eliza and alyica" Bob says smiling.

"She's adorable! We didn't know you had a sister, why didn't you tell us!" Lindsay says as she makes her way over and drags the two inside and sits them down on the two free spots in front of us.

They suddenly look nervous, I mean I understand why Bob's little sister is nervous but why Bob?

"Um.. are you gonna tell them or are you not ready?, Bear you don't have to." Bob says looking at Y/n, she looks at Bob then at us, she locks eyes with me, Her big shiny Y/E/C eyes are so beautiful and hypnotizing.

"if you aren't ready; we aren't forcing you." Eliza says, we nod in agreement.

Few months later

The pass few months, the cast and I became closer to Y/n, she's amazing, sweet, beautiful and bubbly, she's just so adorable.

We've all been treating her like a little sister, I have a small crush on her. Okay, okay maybe a big one... She also still hasn't told anyone anything about her past.

Today we all move into the cast mansion and we're all excited, Y/n jumps in the van and screams waking all of us up making all of us scream while she laughs with Bob. 

"Bloody Hell! You two!!" Eliza yells watching the two laugh she jumps up and Bob and Y/n dart out of the van with Eliza and Lindsay behind them, chasing them.  We're all laughing.

"Damn, she's fast!" Marie exclaims watching them run and laugh.

"So, Al?" I hum in response watching Y/n run in laugh and collide with her brother and everyone burst out laughing.

"You have a little crush on Y/n eh?" Rickey says with a small chuckle, I brush immediately and look down, putting my face in my hands.

"Omg! You do!" Marie exclaims happily and laughs causing me blush more.

The 4 who was outside being idiots came in the van and was still laughing.

"Al! Are you okie?" Someone asks them I feel hands pull my wrist from my face to reveal Y/n with those big beautiful curious eyes of hers, I smile and nod and I pull her in my lap.

"So, Y/nn, who's your Favorite character from the 100?" Lindsay asks  with a small smile,"though it is pretty obvious," she says as she smirks.

"Okay Linz, we both know it's her brothers character!" Bob yells making Y/n flinch, we all look at her with concern.

"Sorry sissy," Bob says as he makes her look at him, we all get confused at this point.

"You okay?" He asks keeping her eyes locked with his and she nods before he lets go and nods.

"What just happened?" Lindsay asks looking between the siblings confused and concerned.

"Not ready," she says as she shakes her head and soon enough we arrive at the mansion, we're breathless.

We get out of the van and get out our bags, I see Y/n lost in thought as she gets her bags which makes me frown because she is frowning and she usually isn't her happy bubbly self after she is lost in though, Lindsay follows my gaze and also frowns, marie did the same along with Eliza.

Once we're inside, Bob looks at Y/n.

"Yeah yeah, we can go talk." Y/n says tiredly dropping her bags next to the door before tucking her hair behind her ear and walks to her brother.

"Can I trust you to have your own room? I don't want it happening again" Bob whispers, but we will heard it.

"You suck at whispering, yes I can have my own room. I'm fine," the smaller raven haired girl said with a little bit of annoyance in her tone, she grabs her bags and goes upstairs.

After a while of unpacking, we decided to watch a movie, we haven't seen Y/n since she went upstairs, Bob's been acting really strange.

"Why the hell are you taking so strange bob?" Marie asks a little annoyed but concerned.

"it's Y/n, she used to selfharm, we found out a week ago." with all we all ran upstairs, we nearly knocked down the girl's door to find her crying with her knees up to her chest, I go over and pick her up and carry her downstairs and sit down on the couch with her in my lap.

"Imma tell you everything, Y/n is ready but won't tell you in this state." Bob says, we nod our head and I hold Y/n tighter.

"Y/n and I had our abusive father, our mother died a few months after Y/n was born. He took all of his anger out of Y/n growing up without me knowing. He tried to make me the person son he wanted, the reason I never told you about Y/N was because the 3 years ago when I met you, Our father put Y/n in coma, then after 3 years she woke up and a few months later, she met you guys and has a crush on-" Bob was cut off by Y/n throwing a pillow at him.

We laugh and all hug Y/n, telling her it's okay, that he's never gonna hurt her again and we love her.

"Btw, Y/n's crush is Alyica!" Bob yells running to the kitchen, Y/n jumps up and chases him making us laugh and me blushing badly.

A few mins later, Bob comes in with Y/N on his back and laughing.

"btw, Y/n my crush is you." I say and everyone cheers saying awe, me and y/n blush looking at each other with smiles.

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