𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 27

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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

The rain comes knocking at our windows, everything seems so gray, so sad. There was a time where I loved the rain, I loved standing under it and let the drops kissing my skin, no matter how ill that would have made me. It just reminded me about how beautiful life can get, how beautiful life could be.

I've never been the normal little girl with happy married parents and a caring brother, my moments of joy were as rare as the rain in the desert, but when they came, I knew better than anyone else how to enjoy them. it was the only thing that could help me through the dark. I had anything else.

Then Harry came around, and every single thing that once was certain to me, everything that I was so sure about, got overturned. Nothing was sure anymore. Every certainty I had, got reverted and overpowered from Harry.

The second I let him in, I knew I would have done anything to protect him, even sell my life if it was necessary and just because we can't be together now, this doesn't mean, I will not do it anyway. I have faith in our love, maybe there will be an afterlife where our love will not be forbidden.

I've never been a girl of faith, who believes in Gods and stuff, but I do believe in Harry's feelings for me. they burn too bright to be just a lame flame. They're real and if I have to hold on to something, I am sure, I will hold on to them.

So now here I am, sited right in front of man, who wants to come here and destroy the only thing that bought me truly happiness without asking for anything in return.

''So my young lady, I guess you now want to listen to my conditions?'' I knows he is strong and can break me using Harry, I just need to be stronger and play all the cards that I have. It won't be difficult, I'm good at pretending.

''How do you know about Harry? Did you know this even before we found it out?'' Scott sighs, annoyed by my constantly interruptions but answers my question anyway, which is strange.

''Because my lovely Miss Fitz. I know everything about you, your dad and your mother, I was the one who made sure Damien didn't know about his daughter since he was ready to face it properly. Your mother was...let's be polite, a little slut. She got married with a man who abused her because she had no choice, which was really touching, isn't this?'' he mocks her and for some reason, I feel the need to defend her, even if I agree with everything he has said, he can't talk about her like that. I'm the only one who can. Me and of course Harry, which is the one who she played the most with.

''Then at the first occasion, she found the perfect moron and got lied then pregnant. Now I know it may happen, I'm totally fine with it, it happened to me once, so I'm not going to judge this, but twice? It's just too dumb, even for her. And the one who disappointed me the most, was Damien. I thought he was more smart, I thought he learned not to trust angel faces as your mom's. I made sure he was taught by the most famous teachers and professors living. I sent him around the planet to learn new things, to learn as much as he can before be facing real life. I thought he was better than this.'' he means heartless, Damien is not heartless, he will never be. He's good, and kind. That's what diversify him from Scott. That's what makes him better than Scott. '' but Damien has always been that kind of child, who always apologized for almost everything when he was little. Always trying to escape my lessons. My wife, she was always trying to teach him to be kind, while I was trying to teach him how bad the world is. He was confused, but when your mother came, he didn't doubt about his choice. He wanted her. He could see a kind of good in her that I don't even know if it exists anymore. or if it's ever existed to be honest. But he let her fill his head with dreams and idiotic aspirations, ruining him forever. When she eventually left him, I made sure she was as far from him as possible. I've always been behind you, always watching your moves, watching how bad your father was treating you but as long as you were out of his life, nothing really matters to me. I needed to keep an eye on you so you would never have met Damien, not even by mistake. However, something out of my control happened, your brother found his old number and called him. I didn't know he was coming to see you, I was clueless, I had people at that party and when they told me Damien was there too, I was shocked. You weren't supposed to jump in so out of the blue but when Damien understood I knew about you all along, he blurted out on me, he was so pissed. He never had the courage to fire back any of my orders or my requests, but when I told him to stay away, he seriously got mad. He threatened me, telling me he would have started to act really bad and put all our family under a bad condition for our reputation. I didn't believe him, I underestimate his love your you, my mistake. He ruined one of the most important deal we were about to sing with one of the most powerful company. That's when I understood I had to let you in to keep him calm, but at one condition, I had to be the one pulling the strings. I like to control Grace, so here I am. '' he finishes and I shift in my seat. Something comes to my mind, something that Harry once said. People as powerful as him know more than they let out he said, I guess he was right.

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