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i wake up around 7:00 to get ready for my classes. i look over to my right to get my phone but i see a much of boxes. i squint my eyes and get up while rubbing my eyes. i look on the boxes to find a name and i see the name i never expected to see. ever. "this belongs too vincent hacker." 

oh. my. god!! vinnie is my new roommate? i mean like i knew that he was moving dorms but.. why me? i didnt get a warning or anything. we dont get along. hes so annoying. i get up and go in the bathroom and take my shower. once i get out i brush my teeth and wash my face i put on my outfit: 

 once i get out i brush my teeth and wash my face i put on my outfit: 

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i come out the bathroom and put my hair up in a high ponytail. i sit down on my bed and grab my phone and go on tiktok. i scroll through my fyp and then i get a call from my boyfriend, evan. 

evan: good morning y/n.

you: good morning evan. 

we don't have a very good relationship. the only thing keeping us guys together is all the memories and everyone shipping us together. 

evan: where are you?

you: my dorm?

evan: mhm. see you in class later. 

you: okay bye. 

he hangs up and you sigh. you look at the door seeing someone come in. you turn on your light and see vinnie walk in the door. you see his hair in his face and his muscles standing out while carrying more boxes in. 

you: uh hello?

vin: oh hey y/n.

you: why are you here?

vin: im your new roommate. duh?

he puts the box down and wipes the sweat on his face.

you: did you choose to be in this dorm? if you did than that was a bad choice. 

vin: why would it be a bad choice? 

you: well, i stay up late laughing mad loud with my friends, i blast music at night when im in the shower, i leave a mess everywhere, and i have my boyfriend come over sometimes. 

vin: oh that evan dude? mhm. how does he feel knowing that your becoming roommates with the hottest dude on campus? 

you: he doesn't know. 

vin: hes not gon be happy eh?

i roll my eyes and grab my backpack and start packing your stuff. 

vin: can you like.. help me?

you: no. 

vin: awh. why not?

i look over and see his little smirk. god he's so hot. i can't stop staring at him and his muscles. 

you: you're an asshole. 

vinnie laughs and starts to unpack his stuff. before i know it its 10 minutes before i have class. i grab my bag and phone and i walk through the door. but i feel vinnie pulling my arm.

the baby project - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now