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The hour Phoenix spent waiting felt like the longest hour of her life. She had changed her outfit and bit her nails until there was nothing to bite. Her bad habits came out under pressure and she hated herself the second she realised what she had done to her nails. But she was also far too anxious to care about how bad what she was doing was. She just wanted to meet the Jedi protector so she could feel somewhat safe again.

So when there was a knock on the door, Phoenix jumped from the couch to get to the door. Jax had yet to return and she had got a message that said he would not be back until later on in the day. Though Phoenix didn't exactly appreciate it, she understood he had business to attend to. She shouldn't have been surprised in the slightest. It was his job. But she had the Jedi protector now and they would make her feel infinitely safer than Jax could. She knew that. It would ease her anxiety.

She pulled the door open and when she saw the man on the other side, her stomach dropped. A wave of nostalgia hit her like a freighter. Her mouth dropped a little as she analysed his features. Those eyes. She would never forget those damn eyes and she hated it. Obi-kriffing-Wan Kenobi. Her anxiety resurfaced in an instant and she felt her throat constrict. Suddenly, overly aware of how she looked.

"Hello there," Obi-Wan said. His smile was still as bright as it had been as a teenager. Thoughts ran through Phoenix's head at a million miles an hour. She wondered if Obi-Wan recognised her. If he was just as anxious as she was to see him, just as scared. But then again, he shouldn't feel like that. He was the one that left, he was the one that broke up with her and broke her heart.

"Hello. Did Chancellor Palpatine send you?" Phoenix asked, trying to be as diplomatic as possible as she stepped back. Her words came off as too casual and she sounded jarred by his presence. It was a terrible new impression and Phoenix hated herself for it. Obi-Wan walked into the accommodation and nodded, keeping himself as diplomatic as he could be. Even when they broke up, he was diplomatic.

"Yes, he did. I was told you needed protection and that you were attacked. Would you be able to show me where?" Obi-Wan asked and Phoenix nodded but she could feel her skin crawling. Just having him around made her simultaneously happy and disgusted and she hated it. She didn't understand why he could so easily act like nothing had happened while she was failing miserably at pretending like she didn't know him.

She opened the door and gestured into the study. Obi-Wan walked inside first while Phoenix took her place at the door and watched him survey the room. His eyes scrutinised every single detail, taking note of everything and Phoenix felt awkward standing there, acting as if they didn't know each other, as if there wasn't history between them. 

Her mind was running away with her and she didn't even know how to feel. She had to be at the Senate soon but she couldn't even think straight. Going into any meeting would be suicide in her mindset. The only man she had ever loved was stood in front of her in all his ridiculous Jedi glory and he had to protect her through these Senate meetings. She was doomed.

FROM THE ASHES, obi-wan kenobi ✔Where stories live. Discover now