chapter twenty

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      Phoenix spent most of the night sleeping and relaxing at home. After a long bubble bath, she went to bed and fell asleep pretty quickly. Something about being home and back in her own bedroom and without many responsibilities made her fall asleep quickly. She was out like a light and when Obi-Wan knocked to check on her and found her asleep, he couldn't help but smile and leave her to rest. She was dressed in her silky pyjamas. Her head resting against the pillow and the peaceful look on her face made him melt. He hadn't seen her look that peaceful in years. The news he had could wait for tomorrow. She needed sleep more than anything and some peace would do her some good.

     Phoenix woke up the next day nearly at midday. She had been exhausted and the jet lag from her space travel made it worse. But she was at least awake. When she woke up there was a message from Padme. At first she assumed it would just be a message that was checking up on her but she read it properly, she realised that Padme had informed her what she had missed at the Senate and what she had missed made her jaw clench. Pushing herself to lean against the headboard, she read over the message again. She didn't believe that they hated voted without her being there.

     They were the most important bills to be passed until the next cycle. They were bills that she needed to be there for and should have been there for. It frustrated her beyond belief that she missed the crucial votes. Yes, she had a representative there to take her place but she wanted to be there. Discuss and have people take her side too. She didn't even get a fighting chance with being stuck on Mith. It was for her safety, yes, but it didn't make missing this vote any less frustrating.

     But she had other things to do with her day. So, she headed downstairs still dressed in her pyjamas, she didn't bother to greet her father. Instead walked straight past him and began to make herself breakfast. A frown on her lips and her forehead was creased. Her hands closing cupboards just slightly too loudly. She was overaggressive with cracking and whisking and scrambling her eggs. Everything she did had an air of annoyance to it and when Obi-Wan noticed, he had to try and see what was wrong.

     Phoenix disappeared with her scrambled eggs on toast and sat on the back porch. Her feet pulled up onto the swing deck chair as she began to eat the meal. Chewing on them too harshly as she stared up at the deep blue sky that just seemed to go on forever. She was still tensed. Her hands curled around the fork just a little too tightly.

     "What happened?" Obi-Wan asked once he'd walked out onto the back porch. He then sat down next to her on the bench and she pulled her feet away a little bit. Her mind hurrying with too many thoughts to even fully comprehend why she had moved her feet away at all. It wasn't like Obi-Wan was going to sit on her feet. He certainly was not that cruel or rude. He was just sitting next to her.

     "I missed one of the most important votes because of your stupid plan," She muttered as she took another bite out of her toast. Obi-Wan watched her for a moment, trying to work out whether her anger was genuine or it was simply an act. When he realised that she genuinely was annoyed, his eyebrows pulled together and the frown spread across his lips. His hands reached out to hers but she pulled it away, not looking at him.

FROM THE ASHES, obi-wan kenobi ✔Where stories live. Discover now