COMPLETED, phoenix knew obi-wan since she was a teenager and when she became a senator, she was more than happy to show off the fact that she had well and truly moved on but had she?
prequels au, star wars
obi-wan kenobi x fem!oc
nov 2020-feb 2021
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By the time they reached the closest med-centre, Phoenix felt light-headed. It was a quick process to heal the wound and she was given a bacta shot and stitches and told to rest for a few days. Nobody asked questions about what had happened. The neighbourhood was reputable but by now, news had begun to spread of an assassin on the loose to kill a Senator. It wasn't hard to put it together that Phoenix was the very Senator there had been gossip about.
But she didn't care about their looks or curiosity or invasive questions. She ignored most of them, thinking too much about what had happened, Obi-Wan's conflict and hesitation. He was there to catch the assassin but the second she got hurt, it all seemed to fall apart. She just hoped that he caught her or found something that would help. She couldn't continue like this much longer and Jax could see that on her face as they got into the hover taxi.
As she sat down, her side ached. Her teeth gritted as she stared out the window. Her thoughts elsewhere and Jax's attempts to engage her in conversation fell completely flat. Phoenix just wanted to know that Obi-Wan was okay. Jax could see that. He could see the conflict and the terror on her features. But he said nothing, allowing her to ruminate as they headed back to the Senate.
Once they got back to their room, Jax let her down onto the sofa but she couldn't stay still. She got up and walked over to the kitchen. She let out a soft hiss of pain as she bent over to find something in the fridge and Jax walked over. He gently took a hold of her hip and urged her to turn around but she moved away from his touch.
"Please don't touch me," She mumbled as she stepped back. A wave of pain ran through her side and she knew that the bacta should be working by now but she ignored it. She could get another bacta shot if she needed to. She just needed to know that the assassin had been caught, that everything would be okay.
"Phoenix," Jax said as he stepped back. She met his gaze and he looked concerned, so genuinely concerned. She would have melted for that look a few weeks ago but now, all she could think about was Obi-Wan. How she wished that was him and she turned away and walked over to the sofa, "What do you want? I will get it if you just sit down." His words were gentle but almost threatening.
She shook her head slightly before she dropped down onto the sofa. Her side ached again and she let her eyes fall shut, silently working through the pain that spread across her entire body. She felt like she was falling apart at the seams. Her entire body collapsing under the emotional weight of her life despite how she tried to keep herself together.
"I want to know if she was caught or if I have to live with this fear," Phoenix responded as she opened her eyes again. Her hand moved to press against the stitched wound. The pressure relieved the pain but only slightly.
"Do you need another bacta shot?" he asked and Phoenix nodded. As he searched, she turned and moved to lie back on the sofa. Her head rested against the pillow as she let her eyes close. The pain was worse than she had expected but she had been shot so she wasn't sure what she should have expected, "This might hurt." Jax's voice was soft as he pushed the needle into her side.