chapter seventeen

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     Phoenix and Obi-Wan had been practically glued together all day. The pair moved between meetings with little conversation between. Mostly because Phoenix was too busy anxiously muttering speeches as a last reminder of what she needed to argue. He had been pretty quiet after their morning talk which Phoenix didn't like but also understood. She wanted to be able to talk to him more openly and freely but he was still a Jedi and he was going to continue to act like that for the rest of their time together.

     So, when she suggested going to the market at the end of the day, Obi-Wan clearly had his objections. He tried to argue that she wasn't safe and it would stupid of her to put herself out in public, at risk. She tried to argue that she would be safe with him by her side but he didn't seem happy. She knew the risk of crowds and going anywhere but she just wanted to feel normal and have some sort of freedom.

     Eventually, Phoenix got him to relent and he gave in. He said that they would only be there for half an hour at maximum. Obi-Wan had a job to do and he couldn't risk her even more by putting her in a public crowded market. Anything could happen and she was likely to be hurt in the process. Something he wanted to avoid for more reasons than she knew.

     But they didn't even get as far as a hover taxi. The pair exited the Senate building and Obi-Wan could feel something was wrong. He grabbed Phoenix's arm and told her to stop walking. She was confused, didn't want to listen to him and began to walk again. Then he realised, a faint beep and then BOOM!

     The ground exploded in a spray of dura-concrete and shrapnel, throwing Phoenix and Obi-Wan back. The blonde quickly tried to break her fall with her hands but only ended up hurting herself more. The blast sent her flying like she was a rag doll and she landed with a pained cry. Her hands were cut due to her attempts to break her fall. Her eyes were stinging with the smoke as she coughed and spluttered, pushing herself up. Her elbow hurt, she could feel the blood dripping down her forearm. Her jaw ached and something had torn her dress.

     What had happened? What was that? Her mind was dazed, lost, disorientated. She had no idea what was happening. Why was she bleeding? Was it Obi-Wan that had sent her flying back? Why did her eyes sting? She was crying. When? When did the crying start? Her head buried in her arms as she spluttered and tried to wipe the tears away but her hands were shaking. Her ears buzzing with the sound of the explosion still reverberating through her skull. She had been attacked. The Senate had been attacked and it was meant for her.

     "Phoenix, Phoenix," A voice interrupted her swirling thoughts. A soft groan escaping her lips as she tried to push herself up. Her knees hurt, her leg hurt. Everything ached. The voice felt faraway and it was like her head was underwater. Like someone was holding it there. It felt hard to breathe. It felt hard to think. It felt hard to do just about anything but she tried to push herself up again.

FROM THE ASHES, obi-wan kenobi ✔Where stories live. Discover now