chapter twenty-six

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Phoenix lay in bed for the rest of the day after the attack. Completely unaware and silent. Unsure of what to do with herself. Her thoughts and feelings were attacking her from all sides and all she could think about was that feeling. His hands on her skin, the breathe on her neck. She wanted to scrub her skin and never stop but she didn't. She didn't have the energy so instead, stayed in bed. Stayed quiet and didn't disturb anyone. Their presence alone made her feel worse.

She wished her mum was alive right now. Being surrounded by men was far from what she wanted. Men were cruel and deceitful. Her mother would be gentle and kind. Her smile would be bright and sparkly. Her embrace would make Phoenix feel safe but Phoenix couldn't have that. Instead, she was stuck with men. Two men that didn't understand her. That wanted the best for her but didn't even know what that was.

So she stayed in bed, curled up and trying her best to just survive. Trying to deal with whatever emotions were clouding her. As the day went on, the thought stayed and she wanted nothing more than to cry and scream and sob but she couldn't. Crying would bring attention to her and she wanted the men to leave her alone. She wanted to be alone.

"Phoenix?" The soft voice of Obi-Wan called. It was probably around evening time when she heard him. Her body felt heavy as she turned over. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she slowly pushed herself to sit up. Her stomach growled in protest and the nausea suddenly hit her like a wave. She realised that she really should have eaten.

"Yes," She responded, her voice came out croaker than she expected. It was fragile and she was sure it cracked even with that single word. Her hand rested in her hair, pushing it back as she swallowed the lump that had already appeared in her throat.

"I made you dinner. I'll leave it out here for you," He said and Phoenix found herself smiling. He had been thoughtful enough to make her food. It was strange how the simple gesture made her feel a little better. Slowly she pushed herself off the bed and walked to the door. With a press of a button it opened and Obi-Wan stood on the other side.

"Thank you," Phoenix said as she reached out to take the tray. Obi-Wan smiled and nodded, a courteous formal nod that made her feel like just another mission to him. She sighed and quickly pushed those thoughts to one side. He then turned away and walked away. Phoenix watched, a strange longing in her heart but she knew she wouldn't like him being near.

As much as Obi-Wan made her smile and feel alive again, he wasn't going to fix her. Nobody could just fix what had happened.


FROM THE ASHES, obi-wan kenobi ✔Where stories live. Discover now