chapter nineteen

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     By the time the taxi had reached the city, she was beginning to feel calmer and her inspiration came back. She wanted to make something depressing, she knew that much. Her intention would be to make something that reflected how she felt. How lonely and trapped and isolated. An image was already in her head of how she wanted it to look.

     Once she was inside the painting studio, she walked over to her other canvases. The ones that were already covered in paint and many had long since dried. Most of the paintings she had were from her former years. From when she was a teenager. They were nostalgic pieces that she didn't want to sell on. Just pieces that she loved more than anything.

     Maybe the intention to paint was lost for now but she didn't care. She enjoyed, instead, reliving those memories. Her fingers running over the paint as she admired her past artwork. The first one she picked up was the one she'd been working on when her and Obi-Wan kissed for the first time. Her first kiss with her first and only love. It seemed like such a foreign idea now but she had never sold this painting. It held too much happiness for her to do that.

     She placed it to the side after a moment and instead began to look through all the different canvases. Various pictures. Some were much darker and showed the night life of Mith. Some were based on pictures, some were based on people and some were based on her own thoughts and ideas. Either way she adored them all in her own way. All of them held some sentiment hence why they still cluttered up the space.

     Just as she reached the end of the first pile of canvases, she found a painting. One she had completely forgotten she had even done with all the years that had passed by since it was first painted. It had been so long but there was something about it that she loved even if the detailing was a little amateur and the colours were all just slightly-off.

     Obi-Wan Kenobi. A padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi with a book in his hand and his hand in his mouth. He was chewing on his nails, a bad habit he'd had as a teenager but seemingly had grown out of as he grew older based on his perfectly manicured nails. But she had captured him almost perfectly in the painting.

     The sunlight poured out the window and lit up some of his face. The shadows were somewhat accurate and she had managed to do something that she hadn't been able to recreate in a long time but she was happy with the painting nonetheless. She always would be happy with it.

     She picked up the painting and stood, walking back to the windowsill where he would have been sitting when she painted it. She placed it against the windowsill, making a mental note that maybe she should keep it to show him later. She didn't know if he knew it existed but she wanted him to see. Some selfish part of her hoped it would remind him of what they had and it could be like that again. But she squashed those thoughts before they grew into something bigger.

     Though then the realisation that maybe he didn't want to know or see it came to mind. He was being dismissive enough and bringing up their teenage years might only make it worse. Plus she had just left the house and not told anyone. She doubted that he was happy with her for that. She was just surprised he hadn't come to find her yet. He was usually so on the ball with her disappearances.

FROM THE ASHES, obi-wan kenobi ✔Where stories live. Discover now