COMPLETED, phoenix knew obi-wan since she was a teenager and when she became a senator, she was more than happy to show off the fact that she had well and truly moved on but had she?
prequels au, star wars
obi-wan kenobi x fem!oc
nov 2020-feb 2021
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Phoenix stood in the entranceway of the Senate. People milling around and then Phoenix spotted Padme who was coming right for her. Obi-Wan's Jedi padawan in tow. Anakin looked pleased to see Obi-Wan and Phoenix but not to be ferried around by Padme. Phoenix wasn't sure what kind of relationship they had but she was sure it would not be considered anything good in the eyes of the Council. Why was Anakin so quick to break the rules but Obi-Wan wouldn't?
"I heard about Jax so I thought we should go out for drinks. Both of us. Mr Grumpy and Obi-Wan can spend some time together while they guard us." Padme said, sending Anakin a teasing smile. Anakin rolled his eyes and then moved to talk to Obi-Wan. Phoenix nodded and knew that would be a good idea. Getting absolutely drunk off her ass sounded like a really good plan.
"That sounds like a good plan. A lot of alcohol is exactly what I need tonight," She admitted as she looked into Padme's eyes. The brunette frowned and pulled her friend into a hug. Phoenix sighed and buried her face a bit before they pulled away again. Padme wanted to ask what was wrong but as she was midway through her sentence Anakin and Obi-Wan came over.
"We'll talk at the bar," Padme smiled at her friend, interrupting herself. She looked up at the men. Anakin was frowning and his arms were buried in his pockets, his distaste for being dragged around was evident but he seemed content with it nonetheless especially considering he was around Padme. He didn't bother complaining.
"Are you two ready to go? You can gossip later on," Anakin said as he gestured towards the door. Padme rolled her eyes and Phoenix was able to give him a weak smile and that was about it. Anakin looked at her with a slightly furrowed eyebrow. Picking up on her miserable mood easily. Her thoughts were loud and he could hear them so clearly but he didn't say anything. Even with her thoughts, he didn't understand what was going on but Anakin knew not to question his Master here or Phoenix for that matter. It was clearly private business.
"I know exactly where we're going and if you two are good, I'll even treat you to drinks," Padme said, linking arms with Phoenix and sending both the men a teasing smile. She clearly knew them well enough to be able to do that. Phoenix, on the other hand, would never dream of doing that. She was far too awkward and with Obi-Wan acting like he was, she couldn't do anything anymore. She didn't even want to talk in front of him.
"I shouldn't drink. I need to protect Senator Vanda." Obi-Wan responded. The change of name made her heart ache just that little bit harder. Padme gave him a look before just shaking her head, looking to Phoenix. Phoenix shrugged in response and stayed quiet. She had no choice on what he did and she wasn't going to try and convince him otherwise. He hated her enough as it was so she was just content to let him feel however he wanted.
Padme noticed how quiet Phoenix was but decided against say anything. Instead she simply squeezed Phoenix's hand in an attempt to calm her down. They called a hover taxi and Phoenix was forced to sit next to Obi-Wan despite the look she gave Padme. So, the ride was awkward for her. Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme all conversed quite happily and Phoenix knew she should have joined in but she didn't. Instead she just stared out the window, her stomach twisting in anxiety. She did not want to be here. She wanted to be home. She shouldn't have agreed.