Chapter 2

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Goodbye Sure Do Suck

Lucienne pov

Suddenly our door is suddenly slam open, interrupting our steamy make out session. A female figure invites herself in with a scared look, "Alyssa Chang! You know, usually, i would offer everyone to join us. But i make an exception for you," smiling smugly at her. She closed the door and lock it, "you're right..." She breathing heavily, "Ch-Chad... You're right, what is the deal?" the witch walks back and forth.

"What is she talking about, Luci?" Hope asked, removing herself from me to get better view of Alyssa. "Well, i, simply, told her that every soul Necromancer brought back will die. One by one. Poor Chad," i said with fake concern. Judging by the look on Alyssa's face, Chad died in front of her. "Oh my! Did he die in front of you? That must be awful." 

Hope nudges my rib and glares at me then something snap on her mind, "wait! Raf!" She slowly turns to look at me, "does that mean, Raf will be..." I nod at her. "You have to help him, Luci. We have to save him!" I raise my index finger up in the air, "uh, i'm sorry, did you just ask me to help Raf to cheat his dead then expect to lie in front of Az? I'm the king of Hell, Hopey. If i let someone to cheat their death, every soul will ask for same thing. And everyone will question me," i asked, confused. "Damn! That sound like one hell of a plot twist," i added.

"Luci!" Hope warned me. 

"Is it bad time to tell you that Az and Orion are moving to Mystic Fall? And, possibility, Gabe too."


The rest of the school has been busy trying to find out what is wrong with Raf and to find a way to help him, i decide to stay in the school's kitchen while Hope and the super squad trying to find a shortcut. I told the super squad to not tell me anything they find, because Az would know that i have my part in Raf cheating his dead.

I plug the AirPods in and sit on the bar counter with seaweed Pringles in my hand while staring at the outside of the school's window, i dip the Pringles on the yoghurt while humming. It's been very quiet hours without a disruption, which oddly i found very relaxing. I just miss a certain tribrid who has return to her old self. I keep munching the Pringles when i hear heavy footsteps approaching me, i spun around to see them. A super squad minus Kaleb, MG, and Jed. The tribrid seems very annoyed at something, Flamey-o are disappointed at something, Rafael tries to keep calm, and Lizzie... Are Lizzie.

I raise my index finger up when Hope is about to speak, i plug out the Airpods then motion her to speak. "Our plan are failed and Landon is human," i shift my gaze to Flamey-o then back to Hope. "Did you knew?" she asked, tapping her feet against the floor. This is a moment where i have to choose my word carefully or i will sleep on the couch tonight. "Nope, but something is off from him. I couldn't figure it out but now i know why," i answered. 

Red (TO & Legacies) Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now