Chapter Two

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My fingertips ran along the spines of the books, feeling the textures of the different backings. My eyes gazed at each title muttering them under my breath. The library was huge, shelves lined the library in a maze like shape. The shelves were massive and long. I felt as if they could touch the tall ceilings but alas it was many, many feet away from the ceiling. At the very top was a bar which a metal ladder connected to, I pulled it carefully along the shelf then stopped. Placing a foot on the bottom step and reaching out my arm grabbing the leather backing and jumping from the ladder.

“Can you grab me the book next to the one you just grabbed? A voice behind me asked.

I jumped what seemed like twelve feet in the air and the voice let out a small chuckle. I turned around seeing a white haired male behind me leaning on the shelf that was parallel to the one I just jumped from. I blinked not recognizing him. But then saw the white fluffy and a familiar gray jacket.

“Killua?” I questioned 

“Yes? Hand me the book next to the one you pulled out.” he asked and I did as I was instructed.

I placed it into his hand, he was way more kept together today. It's been a couple days since the class, as the professor only held two lessons each week. Monday and Friday, so it's been a bit since i've seen the stranger. I watched him walk away, and I jogged to stand next to him.

“Hey wait, can i see your notes?” I asked 

“Do I know you?”

“You sat next to me last monday in history.” 

Killua looked up at the ceiling letting out a breath. He stayed quiet as if to relay his memories. Then he just started walking, being insistant I attempted to walk next to him, But he walked faster and I stopped following him and let out a groan. 

“Well I tried.”

I adjusted my backpack and made my way through the shelves finding the open area with tables and booths along the wall with some people sitting working on computers. I decided to sit on a table close to the oak shelves plopping my  backpack on the table. Then opened my computer, logging in, getting a notebook, pencil, and pens. I find that working on homework in the library helps me concentrate.  

I’m studying to become a Wildlife Biologist. I grew up in nature, I felt at home in the trees. The green leaves and in the fall red, orange, and brown. I had plenty of pets growing up, most of them from the streets. My first dog Milo, a chocolate lab. His leg was broken and at age six I carried him the best I can back to my home and to aunt Mito. I watched as she carefully wrapped its leg using her knowledge as a nurse. I even bathed him myself, dirt and mud lined the walls of the tub. I was caked in the dirt but the dog was clean!

I knew that I wanted to help the environment, study animals and plants. Learning the material to do that was hard though My current homework was to identify the different plants. My cheeks puffed out, squinting my eyes looking at the leaf that was on the screen. I entered the name in the text box and silently cheered to myself when I got the answer correct.


    I hurled my body onto the bed, my face crashing against the cold sheets. I let out a grunt, my head hurting from the homework and studying. I was finally done. I could do what I want now but my motivation to do anything had already disappeared. All my body and mind wanted to do was lay here letting my mind wander thinking about who knows what.

“Gon! I ordered some pizza!” Zushi yelled out and I popped off the bed gaining some energy at the thought of food.

    I raced into the kitchen grabbing a plate and five slices of the pizza. I plopped my body onto the couch joining Zushi in watching television. He was watching cartoons, a show I didn't recognize but watched anyway placing my feet on the coffee table leaning back shoving my face. 

“How did studying go?”

“It went great, I got a lot done but now my head hurts like crazy!” I said zushi as I chewed my food.

    He gave me a look and I gave him an awkward smile. I stood up, placing the plate on the table suddenly thirsty. I hummed as I filled a glass with tap water, grabbed some ibuprofen and graped two of the red pills gulping them down. I filled the glass back up and got back in my position plate of pizza on my thighs watching the tv.

“There’s this interesting guy in my history class.” i stated

“Oh ya?”

“His name is killua, I don’t know anything about him. He is mostly alone, takes good notes. He has beautiful eyes and when he’s not very hungover he dresses nice.”


“Oh I had history class on November first and he sat next to me looking like a complete mess. Smelled like vodka and something sweet. When he sat down he poured a monster into an iced coffee.” I said with a chuckle and Zushi squinted his eyes.

“I can see why he caught your eye.” zushi said and continued to keep his gaze on the screen.

I let out a chuckle and just nodded, I rubbed Zushi’s hair, messing it up and he turned to give me a look. I shoved him slightly, finishing up my food with a smile. I leaned my head into the nice soft couch closing my eyes and humming a tune that's been stuck in my head.  

“Sushi sushi sushi, What about you? What's interesting in your life? Also can we have sushi for dinner tomorrow?”

    Sush- I mean zushi turns and looks at me, his body relaxed and his legs positioned in the usual man spread. Still in his karate gear wearing a proud black belt that has been tied around his waist with a great precision. He squints at me and my eyebrows turn up in confusion. 


“Nothing, I’ve been okay, the wing has been great and my teachers are good too.”

“You still think about being a teacher?” I ask, grabbing a blanket that was hung over the couch.


I hum in response a smile on my face. Zushi and I have been friends since highschool. Many memories have been made together, ones where mostly zushi has had to get me out of trouble with the teachers. Zushi would make a great teacher, He’s understanding and knows how hard it can be to learn. He is hardworking and cares for people.

“Alright I’m heading to bed I have an early start tomorrow.” Zushi says leaving the room and I give him a warm smile.


Pls read my speal of information! 

Sorry for basically a filler chapter, the third chapter will be a lot to look forward to and I hope you will enjoy it. Right now the third chapter is over 1,000 words and will most likely be close to 2,000 For those who love long chapters you're going to enjoy it. But for now hope you liked the Gon and Zushi bonding time. 

For this book I want to take it a bit slower and focus more on the character development and plan out my plot points. If you haven't read my book Claiming you and it’s second book Forever mine I encourage you to. It's pretty good, but this book I’m going to write using all my knowledge. This book is more about fluff and relationships and won’t have too much angst. In the future I plan on having a very much action filled and plot filled story but for now, enjoy a fluffy book. 

If you have any comments or questions, or critiques and suggestions feel free to lay em on me! I always want to improve and hear from my readers. If there are any concerns or triggers, message me. I’m pretty active on wattpad and try to respond to all my comments. If you want anything from me ask me! Thanks for taking the time to read my story, you all mean the world to me. Sorry for the massive speal of words, I’ll try to keep my author notes shorter. Thanks to everyone who actually read this, which I doubt is not very many.

1445 words

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