Chapter Three

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    I have made a very amazing discovery. Killua comes to the library everyday to work on homework and read. I watch him through a bookshelf, my hands shoving two books away from one another. Face peering between the two hard covers. He sits on a table nearby currently reading a book. Earbuds in his ears, a white wire connecting it to his phone which sat on top of his closed computer placed on the table.    

How do I go about starting a conversation with him? You know what! who needs a plan, let's just yolo. I took a breath, then pushed the books together. I sat on the chair next to him placing my backpack on the floor. He looked up furrowing his eyebrows. I gave him a smile and he pulled one of the earbuds out.

“Umm excuse me?” he said with some attitude.

 “Hey Killua, we sit next to each other in history class and I was wondering if you could help me with our latest assignment.”

“Go bother someone else.” he turned his gaze to the book.

He obviously wasn’t interested in talking to me and I bit the inside of my cheek feeling anxious. His legs pointed the other direction, face going closer to the book slouched in his chair. I peered at the title, ‘A living witness’ it said in white lettering the book cover was a dark tan. I wonder what it’s about?

“Oh come on pleeease, I don’t know anyone else in that class.” I said truthfully and with a pout.

“Ugh fine but you owe me for helping you.”

I smiled giving me many congratulations in my mind and celebrating that I had a conversation with the male. Even though he looked at me with a little galre, I got out my computer and history notebook. Opening the black HP computer and entering my password. The screen popped up with my history word document, which I was actually working on. I pushed the computer so he could read the essay over. He put a ripped piece of paper in the book. Closing it and placing in on his computer. He shuffled his chair closer and pushed the screen back a bit more to see the text better.   

“You're doing pretty well. I would just mention more from the book and even put in some quotes.”

“Oh okay.”

I opened my bibliography looking at my sources but after a minute of glaring at the screen I gave up wanting to talk to the boy next to me. His face back into the book I couldn’t rein my curiosity in. Well you know what they say, “curiosity killed the cat.”

“Killua what do you like to do for fun?”

He looked at me with what seemed like an unhappy expression but my gaze was on the computer scrolling through an ebook that I was using as one of my main sources. He opened up his own computer with a ‘tch’ and I glanced at him. He’s quite stylish, his hair fluffy, but somehow well kept. wearing a blue knitted turtle neck  that hugged his figure nicely showing that he had muscle. Black ripped jeans that showed some pieces of his pale skin, I personally enjoyed his multiple earrings on his ear and noticed he even had a nose ring. I liked his aesthetic, a bit gothish vibe because of the piercings but also had a bit of the boy next door aethstetic as well. He looked at me and I could finally see his eyes again which had eyeliner making his big eyes look a bit more pointed. He is extremely attractive and I gave him a smile. The gayness inside of my cheeks flush a bit but because of my tan latino skin I doubt it’s visible. 

“Why do you want to know?”

“Well, you seem cool. I love getting more friends!” 

I gave him a warm smile, and turned to my screen. I don’t want to stare too long as the poor boy is already a bit nervous. He doesn’t want to talk to me anyway so I shouldn’t push my luck. I may be a bit idodic but I've learned enough from Sush- Zushi and Kurapika’s scolding to know what to do when making new friends. As I wait for his answer very impatiently I grab my history notebook. Not being able to highlight it and dot little words in the margien being annoying to me so I opted to take notes instead. I have to go a bit slower in my writing, not wanting Killua to see my awful handwriting my friends call “my chicken scratch,” I decide to write the page number and what caught my eye. A couple quotes, and even a description of what a section talked about so I could go back and implement it in my long annoying essay we were assigned yesterday. 

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