Chapter Four

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The bakery seemed extra busy today, Loud chatter that bundled up and bounced to all corners of the room. I Hummed scanning the barcode as quickly as I could. My mouth watered from the different types of buns I had been scanning.I made sure to hold them delicately as no one wants a smooshed Curry Pan. Lunchtime is our busiest time where many students come and buy cheap food for something to fill their stomachs. I personally loved this store as it was based off of japanese bread buns. My favorite was the Melon Bun. It tasted tart but also sweet. I could feel some drool which I swiftly wiped off with my apron. Another customer sauntered over to the counter. I was met with Blue eyes and a pale complexion. 

“Oh hey Killua!” I said with a smile my stomach bubbling with excitement.

“Hey…” he says and looks at the counter. “I’ll have a Choco Cornet, and a Sangaria Ramune strawberry drink.”

I nod and slide open the glass grabbing the choco bun with gloved hands. I then go over to the fridge opening it and grabbing the glass drink. Placing it on the counter and running up the items my now ungloved hands tapping the buttons and the screen. He hands me a 20 our fingertips meeting for a slight second, Making my lips turn up even more. 

“Hey welfin i’m taking my lunch break!” I announce and my coworker scowles.

Before he can protest I grab a melon bun and a soda flavored lime. Running out and tapping killua on the shoulder. I smile sweetly at him and show my melon bun. He lets out a sigh, his features softening. I can perceive that maybe he didn’t want to eat alone. People shuffle past us and Killua walks out of the crowded bakery. I ignore welfin wanting to eat a melon bun and try to get to know more about killua. We sit at a nearby bench, the wood a spruce and the air a bit chilly. It especially likes to nip at my nose and ears.

“So how have you been?” I ask and open the soda cap with a pop.

“It’s been okay, nothing much sense i saw you this morning in history.”

I humm, “Well you mentioned that you work, Where at?”

Killua takes a couple bites of his chocolate filled bun. Then open the strawberry soda while taking a seat. His plump lips curve around the bottle some soda drops onto his lips making them damp. He runs a hand through his hair letting out a hot breath. Which shows as a smoke cloud comes out from his mouth. He hums a tune sounding familiar.

“A local restaurant, I’m a waiter.”

“Ooooo, What restaurant I'll definitely visit. I would love a cute waiter like you to give me my food.”

He turns his head so I can't see his face taking a bite of his bun a bit violently. I chuckle giving his shoulder a playful shove which he reciprocates back making me giggle harder. I smile and nom on my melon bread letting out a groan as the bread melts onto my mouth. My smile grows and I sway side to side like I'm a child.

“Killua, You’re so fun to talk to!”

“Of course I am.” He says proudly and with a little ‘tch’

We both finnish off our lunches chatting and I get up waving goodbye. I humm a fun bobby tune with a bounce in my step. By the time I'm back behind the counter the store is mostly empty with a glaring angry welfin. He puts a hand on my shoulder scowling anger and annoyance plastered on his face. I feel some sweat build up on my forehead.

“Have fun?” he asks, his voice laced with annoyance.

“Of course!” 

On one of the key racks I grab a certain golden key the metal brings a cool touch to my fingertips. I open the cash register then grab a couple bucks from my wallet. I pay for the meal I had before gritting my teeth and getting back to work. It’s just a cycle of getting out buns and drinks and giving them to the customers. I almost died of boredom, but at least the lunch hour was over and I was just able to chill at the register.

At least that didn’t last long, I almost groaned when a certain black haired girl came into the bakery. Don’t get me wrong she is sweet and gives me tips. She is very persistent and has a very obvious crush on me. She always seemed to come in when my shift was close to ending.

“Gon! How are you?” she asked with a smile black hair pulled up in a ponytail.

“I'm okay, how about you palm?”

She paused looking at me and she shifted her weight. I came to notice her patterns. Whenever she wanted to ask me something big she always shifted her weight from foot to foot. Then nervously fiddle with the fabric of her lavender dress. 

“Do you want to order your usual curry pan? Or maybe even a drink?” I asked, trying to interrupt her thought process.

There are only so many times till I finally break in. I reject her over and over and I just feel so bad. As if she's a little lost puppy coming to me for guidance. She mumbles a little ‘both’ I take that as a way to hurry and get her order. Anything to get her to leave. I feel so bad maybe just one dinner would be okay. Just staying friends won’t hurt.

I look at welfin who chuckles and I try not to sowl at him. The boy looks at the scene unfolding like an action movie. He even pretends to eat popcorn. The overly cautious man has an attitude. Maybe to get back I should pretend to throw water at him? I chuckle at the fantasy of him freaking out. 

“Alright, that’s going to come to 500 yen!” I say chirpily.

She gives me some extra, “Keep the extra.” she adds.

I give her a nod “See you palm.”

She looks up at me while I give her a smile, my lips twitching a bit. She mumbles a thanks before finally leaving. I sigh checking the time on my phone. I sigh happily before seeing a text from killua. I decide it can wait, I shouldn’t be on my phone when my shift isn’t over. Even if it ends in five minutes.

“Alright welfin my shifts over so I’m heading out.”

“Alright drive safe!” 

I laugh before walking out looking at Killua's message. My mouth turns into again a bright smile, my cheeks dusting a little pink. I read his message over and over. I put a fist up in the air, cheering myself on, now this is a win!

1157 words

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