Chapter Six

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The cheap Mcdonald's burgers are gone in a second and Killua laughs pointing at my face. I blush putting my hand on my chin then feel some sauce dribbling down from my mouth. My face heats up grabbing a napkin to quickly wipe away the ketchup. Killua snickered again, handing me another napkin to which I wiped away the rest of the ketchup.

“You're such a messy eater.” Killua teased me and I gave him a pout.

I sighed in defeat, “Well, my friends are coming over to my house tonight. I was thinking of draining my liquor cabinet while watching movies and playing dumb games. You in?” I asked but my eyes looked at him trying my best puppy dog eyes.

He exhaled loudly resting his head on his hand, closing his eyes. I loved his white eyelashes, they are so pretty. The white really brings out his blue oceanic eyes. I bit my lip, I would get down on my hands and knees if I had to, But please, oh please have him say yes. 

“You know what.. Why not? Sure I guess I'll come.” he said, forcing down a smile.

I smirked, pumping a fist in the air. “Yes!” 

“I live off campus, my car’s near the science building.” I informed him.

“Cool we could just walk back to your car.”

I nodded, getting up from my chair, grabbing the trash from both of our meals and throwing it away. Aren't I just such a gentleman? I let my arms swing by my side almost a hop in my step, extremely happy that Killua's was coming over into my home. My friends finally get to meet killua! 

“So.. who are your friends?”

“Well we have Kurapika, He’s blonde, gray eyes, shoulder length hair. He’s more like the mom of the group, constantly getting us out of trouble and lecturing us. There’s leorio, his boyfriend, he's a medical student fun guy, life of the party. He supplies the drinks and drugs, along with whatever he wants to try. He’s surprisingly a hard worker and gets good grades, studies hard, and honestly a great person to vent to. Then finally there is my roommate Zushi. He does karate, always working hard, tries his best and helps everyone. He’s the youngest of the group, always has good intentions. He’s someone you can really lean on when you need support.”

I rambled on to Killua telling him about my little circle that I was very willing to open up to him. He looked at me watching as I rambled nodding his head humming a little bit. He really made me feel listened to, I could talk to Killua for hours. Even though it had only been an hour since we met up I feel like we became so much closer. The shorter male was more talkative and by the time we got to the car killua was dripping with confidence and looked really relaxed. I felt so relieved that I was able to crack the shy boy's shell. 

Like the gentlemen I am, I opened the passenger seat for him before I hopped into the drivers. Grabbing the keys from my jean pockets, placing them into the ignition and starting the car. It roared to life then softening to a purr. I switched to reverse looking behind me and in the mirrors skillfully backing out of the parking space. It’s a used car, but has nice mileage and I do my best to keep it clean. It’s just a simple black Honda, just holds four people, a simple car but gets the job done. 

“Nice car.”

“Thanks!” I said with a smug smile.

    Whale Island is a small town almost deserted. It consists of mostly adults so I didn’t have many friends. My aunt Mito was very passionate about education and learning new things. So when she wasn’t tending her bar or I wasn’t she had me learn all types of things. I even learned how to fix cars, she got a manual and a couple books, and made me read them and fixed her car. It was a nightmare but after many, MANY hours of practice I know the basics of how to fix a car. 

People on whale island usually don’t have much education so from a young age she taught me how to get my own food. We are a hunter family, often going camping and hunting. I remember when I caught my first deer, I actually cried feeling bad for murdering such a wonderful animal. But I always had fun when we skinned, cut, and cooked the animals around the campfire. Singing songs and telling stories…

“So, do you like it better in the big city?” Killua asked.

“Well, it has its pro’s and con’s. I really miss the wilderness and nature of whale island. I was able to go out, meditate, and relax in the woods whoever I wanted. But I also wasn’t able to get a good education, and more accessible items were scarce. But if I had to choose, I would choose whale island. What about you Killua?”

I watched the road but turned to the side to check on Killua. His lips were picked as he thought through the question. Blue eyes looking around the car, seemingly a bit nervous. Leg bouncing and Killua took a deep breath. 

“I would have to agree with you.” He finally said after what seemed like ages.

I turned the car, hands turning the gray steering wheel To the right. I put my hand on the gear lever and pushed it up to park. Turned my keys and felt the engine of the car turn off. I turned to killua flashing him a smile. 


I'm sorry I haven't been updating but I hope you enjoy. Thanks for all the support it means the world.

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