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The clear blue sky is adorned in little puffed cloud, brilliant white in the sunshine. The clouds sails by like a serenity , gently pasing on toward anyplace the wind whishes them to reach. The sun looks like it is playing hide and seem with the clouds , painting it's sun rays over the little planet , shining like the first berries on winter holly.

Jimin stands in front of his apartment building , his legs bounce in anticipation waiting for Yoongi to get down there. He feels the whispers around him , the eery side eyes that people give to him. It makes him a bit uncomfortable , his bump now large enough to show even under baggy clothes.

" Let's go." Yoongi walks towards him tying his watch strap around his wrist. He overhears the whispers and judging looks directed towards Jimin.

He interwined their hands ,  his finger going all the way to caress the soft skin. His narrowed eyes made the people divert their gaze away from Jimin , he smiles once they're back to their own business.

The little gesture doesn't get unnoticed by Jimin and he finds it very hard to not fall for him. They walked like that , hands in hands , footsteps matching , foolish smiles plastered on their face.

Since Yoongi's house was just a few blocks away from his , they thought I'd be a good idea to take a walk rather than going by a car.

It took them hardly 20 minutes before they were standing in front of Yoongi's house. Jimin has been here before but the goosebumps are still there.

Instead of opening it with a key he rings the doorbell , a grinning Jungkook welcomes them.

" Welcome to your house hyung." Jungkook wraps his arms around Yoongi , happy to finally see him after weeks. Jimin pouts at the loss of warmth from his hand , his face trying it's best to hide the jealous expression on seeing them smile in each other's arms.

" Hii Jimin ssi." He bows to him parting from the hug. Jimin returns the greeting with a smile.

The house was different from what Jimin saw when he came here earlier. The walls were decorated with fairy lights , balloons and confetti embellish the floor. The table was occupied by different kind of flowers some real some artificial.

" Jiminie you're here." He turns around to see his best friend standing in front of him.
Taehyung hugs him fondly , his voice changing into a soft one as he greeted the baby.

" Tae , what're you doing here ?" He looks at Yoongi who doesn't seem a bit surprised by his presence.
" Well Yoongi hyung told me about the photoshoot and asked me if I can help Jungkook ssi with it." Taehyung looks over to Jungkook who gave him a shy nod , probably a bit flustered by his charming personality.

" You should get dressed first, then I'll add the last minute props." Jungkook places the  flowers inside the empty vase.
" But I don't have anything prepared." He seems confused looking down at the cozy clothes he was currently wearing.
" Well I have. Come, follow me." Taehyung holds him by his arm , directing him towards a room. Jimin looks at Yoongi who waiting for his approval , he let himself get dragged by Taehyung on getting Yoongi's consent.

After what seemed like 15 minutes Jimin finally walked back to the living room. Dressed in a sheer net top , comfy white jeans and a knitted cardigan he looked equivalent to an angel. His cheeks painted with pink tint making Yoongi wonder whether it was because of the makeup or just a natural blush.

The fitted top is different from the oversized clothes that Jimin usually wore , giving his belly a nice round shape , his curves are more defined and Yoongi could feel his eyes trailing down to them. His mouth agape , taking his time deifying Jimin's features.

" You look pretty Jimin ssi." Yoongi side eyes Jungkook for stealing his words.
" Yeah you look pretty." He said a bit annoyed that he wasn't the first one to compliment him.

" Thank you." Jimin feels shy from being the center of attraction , the heat flushes on his pale face.

" Shall we start now ?" Jungkook asks getting his camera ready. He fixes some of the setting , clicking demo pics to get the right angle.
" Okay Jimin ssi can you stand right there in the corner and try to pose." He stands in front of the plain walls , turning his side way trying to form a pose.

" Wait-" Taehyung interrupts in between, he brings out the flower crown forward placing it on Jimin's head.
The accessories doesn't look like an additional one instead it feels natural, like the crown belong to him.

" Thank you Taehyung ssi." Jungkook didn't miss the chance to flash his bunny smile to the older.
The crown adds the bit on confidence that was missing in him. He huffs a deep breath switching to his other persona.

The sudden boosts of self confidence really changes him into a different person , his body automatically poses once the click sound is heard. His facial features telling out his story , the innocent glistening eyes enough to speak a thousand words.

With each great shot he hears a compliment from Jungkook , his chest fills with pride. On the other hand Yoongi is just too mesmerized by Jimin's personality that he fails to hear Taehyung calling for him.

" And then you say you're just friends." Taehyung whispers in Yoongi's ears emphasizing the words 'Just friends'. Yoongi clears up his throat at that , Jimin has really captivated him today which is nothing out of ordinary.

" Hyung come stand in the frame." Jungkook suddenly calls for him out of nowhere.
He points a finger at himself , not sure if he heard that right.
" Me ?"

" Yes hyung , you. Now please stand next to Jimin ssi." He motions him with his hand.
That wasn't planned , they were supposed to take Jimin's pics only , not his.

" Hyung fast, we don't have the whole day." Jungkook's constant whines made him finally stand next to him.

He stands there in an awkward position , his hand clasped together , his eyes fixed on the ground.
" Ah hyung what are you doing ? Give me a nice pose please." He whines again , his inner self losing the patience.

Jimin giggles at his awkwardness and that finally makes him look up. Jimin places his own two hand upon Yoongi's , wrapping them around his bump , his back now pressed against Yoongi's chest and he can feel his heart racing.

" Your heart gonna burst hyung. Calm down." He says with a smile but that didn't help Yoongi calm down instead his face heat up from how close he was standing to the younger.

Just like that a click is heard from Jungkook's side. The picture is a candid one , atleast for Yoongi. He didn't had the time to process his thoughts and position.

The picture managed to come out good nonetheless. Jimin's eye smile radiating his happiness , their fingers interwined together resting on the baby bump , Yoongi's eyes fixed on Jimin's face , a nice crimson red blush adorning his cheeks. It could be nicely described in one word 'Family'.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now