Chapter 14: Field Trip Part 1

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Zhilan woke up giddy. She was actually going to be allowed to leave the hospital. It would only be for a day, but it was a day to explore and roam. What surprised her is that Siyang had agreed to the outing. She assumed that he was also looking for a change of scenery.

After she woke up, she showered and made sure to dress simple for the day ahead. She wore a red plaid shirt with jean shorts and black converse. She made sure to grab her purse and phone as she walked out of her room.

"Ready to go?" Siyang asked as he joined her in the hall. He was dressed in a white shirt with black slacks and a blue jacket.

She nodded and smiled happily. They went down to the entrance of the hospital where a cab was waiting to take them to the city.

"Where do we even start?" Zhilan asked as she observed their surroundings

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"Where do we even start?" Zhilan asked as she observed their surroundings. Her eyes wandered around everywhere, looking at the shops and parks.

Siyang shrugged, but found her enthusiasm rather soothing.

"Is there somewhere you want to go? We don't have to stay together." She said a bit shyly.

"I think it would be best if we stay together. We don't want to get lost."

Zhilan nodded in agreement. "How about this? We stay together, but just in case, we exchange phone numbers. That way if we want to go our separate ways, we have a way to contact each other."

She reached for her phone and handed it to Siyang. He did the same with his and they saved each other's numbers.

"Oh, a bookstore!"

Zhilan practically dashed to the building and Siyang couldn't help but smile as he followed behind her.

She wandered around aimlessly, sifting through any books she found interesting. He did the same as he rather liked books too.

After the bookstore, they simply walked around and found their way to a plaza that had performing musicians.

"Oh, music. How nice!"

They stayed and listened to a couple of performances with Zhilan taking a couple of pictures.

Siyang noticed a coffeehouse and pointed to it. "Do you want to get something to drink?"

She nodded and followed him inside. They ordered their drinks and when it came time to pay, Siyang insisted on paying for both of them.

"I got it. Don't worry about it."

Zhilan frowned. "Are you sure? I don't mind paying."

He paid and handed over her iced tea. "Come on. Let's sit down."

What a gentleman.

They settled into a cozy, corner booth and sipped their drinks.

"Your grip has gotten better." She noticed as he lifted his coffee cup with his left hand.

"It's okay so far. It's been a month since the surgery."

"You still got to work on it though right?"

He gave her a small smile. "Of course."

They left the coffeehouse and walked to another street that was bustling with vendors. Zhilan found herself at a stall that sold handcrafted jewelry. Her eyes landed on a simple bracelet with red crystals. She gently picked it up and the vendor smiled.

"Do you like it?"

"It's pretty. How much?"

She bought the bracelet and the woman helped her put it on. She waved goodbye to her and she wandered about. There were stalls that sold food, clothing, or other trinkets. Siyang had walked off to another stall.

Zhilan suddenly became aware of eyes on her. She turned to find a boy her age leering at her and she turned back to look for Siyang. She pulled her phone out to call him, but a hand grabbed her arm. She looked to find the same boy smirking down at her.

"Please let go of me." She demanded calmly.

"Pretty girl. Are you here by yourself?" He asked.

"No. Please let go of my arm now." She repeated more firmly.

"Don't be like that. Come along with me." His grip on her arm tightened.

"Let her go." A hard voice commanded. Zhilan's eyes lit up in relief as she noticed Siyang glaring at him. The leering boy immediately let her go and Siyang immediately pulled her away from him.

"Let's go, Zhilan." He snaked his arm around her waist and guided her away.

"I was just about to call you." She told him as they walked away.

"It's a good thing that I found you. Stay close to me, okay?" He asked her and she nodded.

They walked in front of a vendor that was selling flowers and were stopped by him.

"Would you like to buy some flowers for your girlfriend, young man?"

Author's Note

So I decided to divide this up into 2 parts since it was getting pretty long. Or more. I haven't quite decided how long I'll make this. But yes, cliffhanger. Get ready for some embarrassment lol.
- Violet

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