Chapter 3

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 "Hey where are you off too?" My dad asked as I barreled down the stairs. I gave him a flushed grin.

"Vix asked me to hang out while Joey's working. She doesn't want to be there alone. I'll be back for dinner tonight." My dad smiled at me.

"Alright have fun." He handed me some cash and I kissed him on the cheek before running out the door. As I did, I noticed Will watching me from his window. Creep.

A few streets away from the diner I slowed my pace to walking. I was already late from the time Vix asked to meet and I didn't want to look like a sweaty mess. I smiled at Joey, who was behind the counter, as I slid into the booth Vix was occupying. It had been a few days since I had hung out with them. Only because I was trying to avoid Will, but also because my dad and I had been busy finishing up unpacking.

"So what were you up to that made you too busy to hang out?" Vix asked me in between sips of her soda. I set my bag down between me and the wall before I answered her.

"Dad and I were finishing unboxing everything, including the stuff we got online. That took up most of the time, and then my brother called to see how we were doing. He's trying to convince our mom to let him visit for a week or two in July. How about you?"

Vix took a sip of her drink and made a dramatic motion of agony. Today she was dressed in a black mesh top with a red shirt over it. She had multiple crystal pendants hanging around her neck, and her earrings matched. The top half of her hair was put up into space buns, and she wore minimal, but effective makeup.

"All he talks about is you and it's annoying. Cooper was holed up with emo boy the whole time so I was so fucking bored." I laughed and waved Joey to come over so I could order something.

"Hey Nik! Great to see ya. Do you need something?" I softly slapped my hands on the table.

"Yes. Will you make me a surprise milkshake? Nothing gross, and nothing completely chocolate. Oh and some fries. Please?" Joey grinned that dimpled grin of his and I felt my heart warm.

"Sure thing."

"You're oblivious." Vix said as her brother walked away.

"What?" She rolled her eyes and took a sip.

"He's so into you and you can't even see it. Just so you know, my brother's not the type of guy to just show anyone who moved here the town." My face burned in realization.

"Well what should I do?" Vix tapped her chin in fake contemplation.

"If he asks you out, say yes. I hope that will make him shut up about you."

"Okay." I said, knowing that I did like him. But after thinking about Joey, my mind immediately drifted to Will, and the way he had acted right before dinner. I hadn't even told my best friends back home what I did with the stuff and how angry I was with my mom.

"Ew no go sit on the other side you filth." Vix said as Will tried to sit next to her. Even Cooper growled behind him. I grabbed my bag and let Will slide into the window seat. A moment later, Joey came by with the milkshake.

"One mint chocolate chip milkshake. I'll be back with your fries." He said eyeing Will, who had taken a book from his back pocket and started reading it. It was an old copy of Where the Red Fern Grows.

I sipped on my milkshake while Cooper and Vix talked to each other softly. Joey came back with my fries and pulled off his apron. I sat closer to Will to give Joey more room to sit. As I ate my fries and milkshake, I noticed the only other person touching my food was Will, who would sneak a fry or two and eat them while reading.

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