Chapter 14

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In the movies, there's always a hero that comes in to save the girl and her friends from their captors. It's a classic plot line used in all sorts of genres, including crime solving. My favorite kind was when the FBI joined forces with the local police to search for the missing people, and just when you think their lives are going to end, the kidnappers get busted, and everyone is saved. But the longer my hands were bound and my mouth gagged, it became clear that this wasn't an episode of television.

Joey led me into a bigger room and over to the wall on the right. I shivered in fear as I saw Vix and Cooper bound and gagged the same way I was, with their arms stretched over their heads, attached to a hook on the wall. Vix watched Joey hook me the same way with tears pooling in her eyes. I shook my head at her, hoping she got the message not to cry over me. When Joey was finished, I could barely touch the ground with the tips of my toes.

An agonizing heart beat later, two men, presumably the ones from the forest, dragged in Will's still unconscious body. I watched helplessly as they strapped him into silver looking chains that were attached to a wooden panel. The image of him chained there looked like a combination of Jesus Christ on the cross, and a medieval dart board. A third man appeared and whispered something to one of the others. He turned and walked up to Joey.

"Well done, Joseph."

"Thank you sir. Um may I ask what's going to happen to my friends? To Nik?" The man put a hand on Joey's shoulder.

"Your friends and girlfriend will be alright. Once we're done you can untie them and continue on as normal." Joey nodded and I wanted to punch him with every fiber of my being.

I started struggling against the binds, trying to figure out how I could spit the cloth out of my mouth. At first, none of them paid attention to me. They just waited patiently for Will to wake up. For his sake, I hope that he slept longer. I moved again, this time getting momentum to try and kick off the wall and unhook myself, hopefully tearing the rope in the process. At my lame attempt the men all looked at me.

"Someone knock her out please. It's just sad watching her struggle." Someone, not Joey, came up and clocked me on the head, effectively making my vision go dark.

I woke to the sound of Will groaning in pain. It seemed he had finally woken up, or they forced him to. As I blinked the world into focus, I could hear one of them taunting Will. I tried to struggle again, but while I was unconscious, they had bound my legs.

"C-could you just explain to me what you think I am?" Will asked. The two men looked at him, and laughed.

"Alright I'll humor you, but only just a bit. To put it simply, Mr. Davis, you're not supposed to exist."

"What like my parents condom broke on accident? Is this some twisted version of a birthday party you cooked up Thompson?" Will directed the last part at Joey.

"Oh I do think he doesn't get it."

"Uriel, care to elaborate?"

"With pleasure. You're a nephilim. Abominations created by an angels lack of self-control, or desire to attract the attention of God. In this instance, your dear old dad couldn't help but dig himself a deeper grave, and sticking you in it."

"What the fuck are you talking about? My dad's a lawyer."

"Correction, your stepfather is a lawyer. You can't seriously be that oblivious to the fact you look nothing like him, can you?" Raphael stated. I recalled the image of Will's father from the first time I met him, and all the interactions since. They were right. Will looked nothing like him, right down to the bone structure. But he looked like his mother, so who were they talking about?

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