Chapter 10

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I knew that avoiding hanging out with everyone more than one time was going to raise suspicion everywhere. My dad was concerned I was spending to much time with just Evan and Joey, and Vix kept blowing up my phone about me being absent.

Among that, the longer I avoided them, the more distant Joey seemed to be acting, until it was just texts between us. I hated that I felt relieved when he stopped coming over all the time, and that I didn't have to kiss him, but I was worried about his behavior. That concern was what led me to finally answering Vix's calls and her demanding what the hell was going on.

"You know what I'm coming over." Vix decided. She ended the phone call before I could protest. Moments later, I heard my dad answer the door with surprise, and her footsteps stomping up the stairs to my room.

"Hi." I said meekly, hiding beneath my blankets. Vix slammed the door shut and glared at me.

"Did you break up with him?" I sat up immediately.

"What? No, I haven't. Why?"

"Because he's acting strange and hardly even talks about you anymore." I frowned. That was odd.

"Well, I can't really say anything different Vix. He hardly replies to my texts."

"Well then catch him off guard and ask him to the town Flos festival."


"The Flos festival. It's like some butchered version of the pagan solstice holiday."

"Like Christmas?"

"Yeah but in the summer, and there's no gifts."

"Sounds grand. But I don't think he'll go."

"Why not? He loves you." Vix sat down on the edge of my bed and waited for me to give her an explanation.

"Well the last time we had a date he stood me up."


I told her the conversation we'd had at Will's party about going out the next evening. Instead of the picnic, we ended up hanging out with Evan and my dad. But determined to go out just the two of us, we kept rain checking the date until I was waiting in the living room all dressed up.

"That's so weird."

"Yeah. Look, I'll ask him but don't count on him being there."

"Okay." I walked Vix back downstairs to the door. When she left, Evan popped out and tackled me.

"Yes I've mastered ninja mode!" I laughed.

"Yeah you have." Evan grinned at me from above.

"Hey Nikky?"

"Yeah bud?"

"Dad says you're taking me for lunch. Can we go to that diner you always hang around?"

"Huh? Oh sure. Go get changed and I'll take you." Evan leapt off me and dashed upstairs. I took in a deep breath then followed him to my own room. As I got changed, I tried calling Joey, but I kept getting his voicemail.

Once Evan and I were ready, we walked to the diner. I saw Will and Cooper in the usual booth, so I steered Evan to one across the room. I could feel Will looking at me as he talked with Cooper about a multitude of things I didn't understand.

"Hi what can I get for" Joey finished lamely when he looked up from his notepad and directly at me. I smiled at him.

"Yes, can I get two grilled cheese, one chocolate milk, one water, and a side of my boyfriends explanation on why he's avoiding me?"

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