Chapter 9

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I woke up to a little girl peering at me from the side of my bed. I blinked a couple of times before realizing who it was, and nearly having a heart attack in the process. After I calmed down a little bit, I waved her over to sit on mu bed.

"Good morning Holly. What are you doing in my room exactly?"

"It's Willy's birthday and my parents want to give him a party." She said, sitting criss-cross and staring at me with her doe eyes.

"Somehow I don't think Will's the kid of person to want a party."

"He gets one every year. Mostly just me and out parents, but she thought since you guys are friends, that you should be invited."

"What about Vix, Cooper, and Joey?" Holly nodded.

"They're invited too. Actually your dad and brother can come if they wanted."

"Right. So did you show up in my room just to tell me this or was there something else."

"Mom needs help setting up. She's asked Cooper and that witchy lady he always hangs out with to keep him occupied. I've come to get you and Joey to help."

"I'm happy to help, but I don't think Joey would." Holly shook her head.

"While you were sleeping I texted him. Willy said he was your boyfriend or something so I figured if you asked he'd say yes. I was right too." I looked at her and slumped against my pillows. I was going to have to talk to her parents about her boundary issues.

"Alright. I'll help set up. What time?" Holly looked at her wrist as if she had a watch on.

"After you get dressed. I'll see you in a bit!" Holly jumped up and dashed out of my room. The entire interaction seemed like a dream itself, and I wondered if I'd actually wake up or if it was reality. Still, I slid out of bed and got dressed in something comfortable and made my way downstairs to let my dad know. Instead, I found Joey in the kitchen spreading cream cheese on a bagel.

"Hey you're up." He said, handing me the bagel. I accepted it with a kiss and took a bite as I pulled my shoes on.

"You sure you want to set up Will's party with me?" He shrugged and put cream cheese on the other half.

"Beats being the one to distract him." Joey snorted. "I'd actually just drop him off someplace remote and cause him to miss it."

"He may be an ass most of the time but that doesn't mean he deserves that, especially on his birthday." Joey shrugged again, but followed me out to next door. I didn't have time to knock before Joey and I were dragged in by Holly and placed in a room with Vix, Cooper, and Will's parents.

'We just needed to reassign things last minute. Nik, could you go find Will and make sure he gets here for the party? He suspects Cooper now and it wouldn't work." I looked at Joey before responding.

"Yeah sure, I'll go now. Know where I can find him?"

"Try the gazebo first, and if he's not there, he likes to read in a tree near the old well, maybe like three feet from the opposite end of the clearing when you take the path there."

"Got it thanks." I kissed Joey on the cheek and said to him, "be good."

I ran from Will's house to the gazebo and wasn't surprised to find it empty. I figured Will liked someplace more isolating to read and the gazebo didn't do that at all. I stopped to catch my breath, before running all the way to the old well clearing. I followed Cooper's instructions and estimated three feet into the forest from the clearing, and looked up. Sure enough, Will sat in one of the trees, who's branches had grown into the shape of a chair or hammock.

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