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I often walk a lonely path

Covered with darkness and wrath,

Devoid of emotions I keep on walking,    

Trying to find what I lack.    

One with mountains and huge trees,

Where there is constant cold breeze.

A True scenic beauty-

Covered with snow and a noon high sun

Yet Deprived of the daylight,

My path is that one. 

I look forward and backward,

Relieved there is no one

But in turn a void develops,

Making me want at least the sun.

In a long long time,

On a fine morning I was getting ready to walk again.                                                                     

This time the mere difference was - 

My loved ones, forced to follow me.                                                                                                    

Seldom this happened or -                                                                                   

never should I say.                                                                                                                        

A rare occurrence,

Once in a blue moon type way.

Somehow it was not so gloomy this time

the path was filled with laughter

And the sun was also in its prime

This time I did feel the light 

Soaking into my skin and bones so fine.                                                                                                  

I  did not feel the cold                                                   

The beauty appealed to me                                         

Was it just the day or some mystery .

I wanted to pause and save the moment                                                                                               

The happiness was just unconditional.                                                                                           

It was not forced by someone,                                                                                       

everyone was just happy to be in the moment.

The daylight got me that day,                                                                                                                  

Making me overwhelmed                                                  

Because I had not realized,                                                                   

The coldness of my lonely heart.

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