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" We have one last surprise for you, Minnie." Taehyung goes out of the room grabbing Jungkook along with him. Jimin looks at Yoongi for an explanation but he just shrugs his shoulders in response, a big grin spread on his face.

Taehyung enters with a laptop in his hands, he has a big smile on his face just like Yoongi and Jungkook and something about it is making him nervous.

Taehyung finally turns the laptop screen towards Jimin. His brain stutters for a moment, eyes fixed on the figure inside of the small screen, every part of him goes on pause while his thoughts catch up.
His shoulders hunched together like he was trying to disappear inside himself. Even his eyes seemed to be attempting to retreat inside his head.

He had imagined this moment every day in his head, he had spent hours thinking about what he would say in a situation like this but now he's at a loss of words. He searched his mind for something reasonable to say, but to his surprise no words came out.

Instead he let out a desperate cry, one that is full of longing, regret, guilt, yearning and self accusation.
" Mom..."
He utters under his breath, afraid that he has lost the right to call her so.
" Jimin ah."
Her voice is soft and as radiant as a sunset even after all those years. He could smell the sweet scent of jasmine lingering in the air as if she was standing right in front of him.

His chests rise up and down in an uncomfortable manner his emotions finally get the best of him as he breaks down.
" Mama, I'm sorry."
The words that he has practiced countless times finally drifts out of his mouth. He doesn't look up at the screen, he's afraid to meet his mother's eyes even if it's through a screen.

" Jimin ah, look up."
That's the voice he has craved for during the hard times, that's the voice that makes him feel at home. He looks up at the screen hesitantly , the guilt inside of him not letting him face her.

" My baby has grown so much."
She takes a good look at her son, her own eyes have started tearing up by now.
" Mama."
He cries out. His heart wanted to lay in his mother's lap, crying for her warmth. He wanted to feel her touch.

So, Yoongi wraps his own arms around him. It didn't give him the warmth that he was craving for but surely it helped him calm down.
He held onto Yoongi like there's no tomorrow, like if he let go of him now he'll lose him.

" Hey, it's okay. Don't cry."
He whispers in Jimin's ear. The muffled cries and hiccups echoed all around the house. Taehyung and Jungkook watched the scene with their glossy eyes.

" Petal, stop crying."
He wipes the tears off, rubbing his back.
" There are very few people who get second chances in their lives. You should be grateful for that."
He bows at Jimin's mother.

" We'll wait outside for you. Take your time."
He presses a soft kiss on his forehead before leaving him alone. Taehyung and Jungkook follow behind him, giving Jimin his privacy.

" Mama, I'm so s-sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have listened to him. I-i'm such a bad son. I-"
He continued to ramble, his eyes fixed on the cold ground beneath him.

" Jimin ah, look at me. Why are you looking down? I want to see my son's face after such a long time. I missed you baby."
He looks at her, expecting her eyes to be full of hatred and anger towards him. But they're still filled with the same motherly love and affection. His mother is like a forever home, always with an open door, the key that's always in his pocket, and a love that is always his.

Yoongi paces out in the living room, nervousness settling down in his veins as he looks at the locked door. He wants to see how Jimin is doing inside there but he doesn't want to step into the younger's personal space too.

As if one cue the door finally opens. Jimin stands in front of Yoongi. His lips are sealed but his eyes..... They say a lot of things. And Yoongi understands each and everyone of them, loud and clear. He walks towards him , slowly and intuitively.

They stand there in front of each other. Even though they're about the same height , Yoongi seems taller in such a situation. There is no exchange of words, Jimin steps closer to him. He tilts his head and rests it gently, on his shoulder. All his thoughts stopped as his heart took over his head.

" Thank you." He nuzzles his head into his chest and Yoongi innately holds him closely in his arms.

There are tears in Jimin's eyes, flowing down onto Yoongi's shirt, this time he doesn't wipe them away because they're the tears of joy. They're an indication of how happy he is right now and how much this moment means to him.

He could feel the happiness as a tingle in his fingers and toes. It passes through him like a warm ocean wave, washing away all the stress and despondence. Dizzy with exaltation, he closed his eyes and savored the felicity that fizzled in his heart.

" Did it go well ?"
Yoongi already has an idea from Jimin's reaction but he wants to hear about it from him.
" More than well."
Jimin has that contagious smile on his face, one that travels from his face to Yoongi's. The world suddenly seems more warm to him.

" I'm happy for you."
Jimin acknowledges Yoongi's sincerity behind those words. He can't help but think about Yoongi's hand resting on his cheek. Soft. Soft and warm. His eyes that shot him a look that was all love, just the right hint of softness, a crease at the corner of his eyes.

" Hyung, can we cut the cake now?"
Taehyung chimes from behind them, they can't help but smile at him.

" Okay."
He squeezes Jimin's hand once again. Their eyes meet briefly and a cheshire grin spreads on Jimin's face, his smile lighting up the room , everyone can see that. But what they don't see is that his smile lights Yoongi up inside so completely that his darkness disappears. He makes him whole and happy.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now