Provisional License Exam

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Class 1-A was listening to the long speech told by the sleep proctor. Meanwhile Midoryia and Todoroki were amongst the crowd wearing hats and contacts. Everyone was too busy trying to listen to the man that they hadn't noticed the 2 villains.

Everyone grabbed a plate for the first round and stuck it on random points of their bodies.

Basically they had to tag  3 plates of at least 2 different people to pass the first round. They also had to make sure their plates weren't tagged.

The different classes of different schools were then sent out onto the battle field. Midoryia and Todoroki snuck off and found a good hiding spot. The battle ground wouldn't change through out the test so they chilled their for a bit.

"I wonder how long this is gonna take" Midoryia said. "Probably a while. Anyways do you have the tranquilizer darts?" Todoroki replied.
"Right here" Midoryia pulled them out of his pocket. "Good, I heard gang orca is supposed to be the "super villain" with his army men. I can use my fire to dry him out and then we can take them and tie them down." Todoroki said.

"Yeah and then when it's time for the villains to come out we drag then out with us and fight the class head on!" Midoryia said happily and a bit excited.
"Yeah" Todoroki sighed. He was the most impatient of the 2 so he didn't really like the long wait.

Bakugo was acting the test with one for all, with hyper speed, increased strength, and explosions, no one stood much of a chance.

He was the first one to pass the first part of the test.

Soon the rest of the class passed and after around 30 minutes of pure waiting the first part was over.
Todoroki and Midoryia used their phones during the entire wait, playing random games.

Now the 2nd part of the exam was to take place.
Rescue the people.

Midoryia and Todoroki started to get on the move, they had to find gang Orca and his members.

While everyone else was helping the injured Midoryia and Todoroki found where gang Orca and his gang were hiding.

Midoryia covered the entire area the Gang was sitting in. They were in an abandoned building, all 100 of them.

It's oddly dark for some reason" a gang member said. "Hm what do you mean?" Orca asked.
"I can no longer see the battle field" he replied. "That's odd. This isn't apart of the test" he said getting up.
"Of course it isn't. That's why we're here" Midoryia chuckled coming out of the shadow. Todoroki walked in at the same time.

"Shoto Todoroki and Entity. What are you doing here?!" Orca spat.
"Changing up the game of course." Midoryia laughed as he captured all the gang members. Todoroki used his flames and directly burned Orca.

"Dang it a planned attack, I'm weak against fire.
I can't use my power" orca thought to himself as he fell to the ground. Midoryia quickly trapped all 101 of them in a big dark matter box.

"Now let's get this show started" Midoryia chuckled.  Midoryia blasted dark matter through the ceiling of that building, all the training at camp paid off.

Using dark matter he captured the entirety of the premises in a dark matter prison box like he did at the festival.

"What's going on? Why's it suddenly so much darker" "what is this?" "Huh?" Murmurs from the crowd of classes.

Midoryia sprouted out his wings and  jumped into the air holding all 100 members ,including orca, and Todoroki using dark matter whips.

"Over there!" They all yelled.
"This ain't apart of the exam what's going on?" Aizawa asked.
"Hello everyone! It is me, Dark Entity" Midoryia said, dark matter pulses with every one of his words. It sounded like he was speaking through a speaker but he wasn't, he had amplified his volume using dark matter.
Aizawa jumped up and out of his seat but was quickly taken down when Midoryia shot out dark matter.
It hit his eyes, like a blindfold,and knocked him into the ground.

"Is that gang Orca!?" Kaminari screamed. "He took down gang orca!" Another class yelled. "It seems like actual villains have infiltrated our testing site and we are trapped." The sleepy man said.

"Is this apart of the test??" Someone yelled out. "No. I don't know what they're doing here. Could you leave?" The sleep man said, he wasn't as serious as he should've been.
"Hahaha.... No" Midoryia replied.

"Is that Todoroki up there as well!!?" Mina shouted.  "Oh my, it is!" Momo said as she made binoculars to get a better look.

"Some of you may die during this, if you don't then congrats. You passed this dang test.
I'll show you how an actual villain fights" Midoryia chuckled as he landed swiftly onto the ground. Midoryia walked up to gang Orca and...

Killed him, using his quirk.
After that he killed the rest of his members.

The crowd of classes didn't know what to do, the most wanted villain of Japan was right there before them.

"Now let's get this party started!" Midoryia laughed psychotically putting his hands on the ground.
Suddenly everything began to shake rapidly, the ground broke apart in front of them.

Midoryia had sent a strong shock wave of dark matter through the ground.
"He can't take us all on, there's over 100 of us!" Someone from shiketsu high school shouted.
The entire crowd agreed and started to go charging straight for Midoryia.

Midoryia chuckled as he put up an opaque dark matter wall. It was barley visible but very much there.
The crowd of over 100 people including class 1-A slammed into the wall all at once.

"You all can't seem to learn your lesson.

You can't beat me" Midoryia chuckled.

Midoryia then proceeded to capture everyone in a big box, taking quite a chunk of his power.

Let's have some fun"

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