THREE | the good, the bad and the ugly

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          The morning was rushed; Tim wanted to get into work early. I decided to allow myself a cup of coffee from the precinct to help speed things along. I braided my hair in the car, leaving it messy yet cute. Troy and I had texted the night before and were planning on meeting for lunch since he had the day off from school; he was seventeen, about to turn eighteen, and a senior, like me.

          I trudged into the office I'd been given by Zoe. I had put a few things in the room, but it was mostly bare. The desk drawers were empty since I worked mostly on my computer and I took everything back and forth so I could do work at home.

          That night was definitely going to be a late one since I had to take a test the following day and I'd been so preoccupied with other things that I'd forgotten until last minute. Before I could let myself sink too far into planning my late night, my phone buzzed. Picking it up, I saw a text from Troy.

Troy: We still on for lunch?

          It was kinda cute the way he wanted to double check our plans. Most of the guys I'd met, the few I'd hung out with, were either too cocky to text or too douchey to return a call.

Sofia: Of course. Meet in precinct lobby?

          Since Troy had a car, he offered to come pick me up and drop me back off before Tim got off of shift.

Troy: I'll be there.

          Damn, what was this boy doing to me? It was like I couldn't stop smiling every time I heard from him, saw him, talked to him. It was strange.

Sofia: Can't wait.


          Bradford was putting on his uniform in the men's locker room, trying to avoid ripping his stitches and irritating his gunshot wound. He'd promised Sofia not to get injured again and he was trying to keep it. As he was slipping on his shirt, Sergeant Grey walked over to him.

          "So, how you feeling," the sergeant asked.

          "Good. Everything okay with my green slip," Bradford asked.

          "Yeah. Yeah, you're medically cleared to return to duty," Grey confirmed. "Which means it's time for the 'so you got shot' speech. I only give it to officers wounded on the job.."

          "Lucky me." Grey smirked at Bradford's sarcasm.

          "Yeah, lucky you. So, you came in this morning thinking everything goes back to normal now, you can just flip a switch, and the trauma you suffered will go away. It won't. But you're trying to muscle your way through. That's what I did. Trust me, it didn't go well," Grey admitted.

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