October 27th

150 17 0

"I can't believe you kissed right behind the door!" Deaky pushed through the crowd of students leaving the school building. His day was short on Thursdays and Roger was dismissed earlier due to the teacher's absence. The blond only told his friend about the kiss on the break before the last lesson.

During the whole class John was distracted and barely took the notes. He was mad at Roger for doing this to him but curiosity came out to be more important.

"Yeah..." said Roger, looking around. They managed to get past the crowd and were now walking on the empty pavement. "I can't believe it either. So, uh, yesterday when Brian was over at my house I told him that I wanna kiss him again and... we didn't kiss." he admitted, feeling like a loser.

"Oh God, you're an idiot. You don't ask if you can kiss someone, you just kiss them." the younger explained, eagerly gesturing with his hand.

"Sounds like rape." Roger snorted.

"Oh you know what I mean! Sometimes it's better to just steal a kiss, as long as it's legal. Well, for you two it's a different story but-"

"I know it, ok?!"  Roger hated being reminded of that cruel fact. He hated it even before he realised he likes boys. Roger knew Brian hated this as much as he did. One summer afternoon when they were both chilling in Brian's garden with radio on, the radio lady announced that a man who's been committing illegal homosexual acts for years has finally been caught. The boys kept stone faces and neither of them said anything. They just blindly searched each other's hands and gripped it for dear life.

"Ok! I'm just saying that if I asked Amber if I can kiss her, I wouldn't steal that kiss yesterday." Deaky turned his face away from Roger and was now facing forward, trying to hide his smile of pride. Roger's mouth was wide open as he gasped.

"You son of a bitch, you did it!" the blond punched his friend's arm and the well known proud smile broke out on Deaky's face. At first he planned to tell the boys the truth, that he pecked Amber on the cheek, but when he heard a story about Brian and Roger snogging, he decided to spice his own story up a bit.

"Hell yeah, I did it!" he beamed. In that moment they passed by a group of girls smoking cigarettes in the alley between two buildings. John flashed them his proud smile and they giggled, sending him kisses back. Oh how was Deacon's ego boosted.

"How was it?" Roger was genuinely curious. It was nice to hear someone win their crush over while he couldn't sort his things out.

"Whe ended the guitar lesson and when she walked me to the door and I was supposed to leave, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled closer to me and we started kissing. I slipped her my tongue and she did a small moaning sound. It was amazing." Deaky squinted his eyes as if he was recalling those memories.

"Aha, now tell me the true story." Roger smiled warmly at the younger boy. Deaky emitted a groaning sound which showed his annoyance and resignation. But let it be.

"Amber was getting so angry and nervous because she couldn't get some chord to sound right and I just leaned over and pecked her cheek to calm her down." Deaky looked down at his feet and tried not to step on the line on the pavement.

"Softie." Roger smiled, taking Deaky's cheek between his thumb and forefinger and tugging lightly. John pushed Roger's hand away.

"Shut up! We were talking about you and how are you gonna ask Brian out to my party." John nodded, happy that the conversation wasn't about him anymore.

"We weren't-"

"Yes we were. Now, we're going upstairs and you call him to ask him out." the younger boy pointed towards Roger's house. The blond didn't even realise they've already walked up all the way here.

"Deaks, I can't-"

"Oh, you can. You want it and in your place I'd ask Brian out before Chris does." Deaky knew that Chris became Fred's date yesterday but both he and Fred agreed to not tell their two others friends yet. That way Roger felt the pressure.

Roger bit his lip. He wanted to go to the party with Brian as hell. And after their talk Roger thought that Chris would never do something like this to him. But who knew? It's better to be safe than sorry.

He rushed into the house and, ignoring his sister yelling at him with no reason, ran upstairs to his room. John followed him all the way there and sat beside him on the bed while the blond was dialing the number.

A few beeps later Brian answered the phone.

"Hello?" Brian picked up the receiver and sent Fred a confused look. Why was Fred smiling?

"Hi, I'd like to talk with you if you have a minute."

Brian and Roger couldn't know about some odd circumstances. Deaky coaxed Roger to ask Brian out in the same exact time when Fred suddenly came over to Brian's dorm and refused to go out until the phone rang.

"Well..." Brian listened intently if Roger is gonna say anything, but nothing happened. "Go on."

"Yeah, um, Deaks ordered me to invite some people to his party so would you like to go with me?" Roger eyed John sitting beside him and felt a wave of panic wash over him. Deaky had his brows furrowed and mouth slightly agape, his expression screaming 'what the fuck'.

"Then tell Deaky that I'd still be at the party even if you didn't invite me." Brian smiled bitterly and was ready to put down the receiver but Fred's glance stopped him. His 'don't you dare' eyes were glaring into Brian's soul. Fred wanted them to finally stop fucking around and get a grip on themselves.

There were some rustling noises in the phone, a moan of pain and then it was quiet again.

"Brian, I've wanted to ask you this question since..." a rustle and incomprehensible whisper came, then it was silent again. "Will you, please, be my date for the party?"

Brian, who was standing in his room with his hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing, now smiled, accidentally letting out a small squeal-like snort. For the whole life he was the one who had to ask people out and it was a torture. Now he got asked out and it felt amazing.

"I'll gladly be your date." he answered, feeling extra giddy at the proud look on Fred's face.

"Cool." Roger breathed out, his heart fluttering. He quickly got reprimended by Deaky who bumped his arm. "It's great." another punch. "Thank you? Wait-" punched again. "Can't wait to- no?"

"Yeah, that's pretty cool. Anything else?" Brian was a bit irritated that Deaky made Roger stressed but couldn't keep a straight face while listening to the blond trying so hard.

"You'll have to come for me."

"You want your date to pick you up?"

"Yes, please."

Deaky and Fred may have been in two different places in town but their sigh of resignation was the same.

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