What If's And But's - 2

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"So, let me get this right; We are going to fuck up our lives and run away ?" Lauren questioned thinking about how shit there plan was.

"Kind of" Dinah added smiling. 

"That's stupid" Lauren added shaking her head and placing it in her hands. 

"Why ? you all just spoke about how much you hate your lives, and now my idea to run away is stupid ?" 

"Baby, there is so many flaws to that plan though. Its a great idea, but its unrealistic" Normani added looking at her girlfriend through the screen, which had become there reality now. 

"I'm in, whether it thought-out or not" Camila declared. "I'm so fucking done with shit, so tell me a date and a time and I'm in"

"Woah... WOAH, Camz. Think this out baby, that's crazy, her plan... is crazy"

"What are you all so scared of ? What is honestly stopping you all ?" Dinah challenged, she was more confident now she had Camila's backing. 

"It's unorganised" The other three girls declared at the same time. 

"That's all ? then organise it" Camila wiggled her eyebrows, everyone's eyes darted between the four boxes on there screens. Was this actually happening right now ? were they serious ? 

That's how it started, that was the basis of there plan. At first it seemed completely stupid but as the call went on and they talked it out more, slowly but surely everything feel into place. By the end of the call everything was in place, each girl had there tasks and all that was left to do was to put it all into motion. 

Step One; 

Pack, packing was probably harder than it had to be, the girls had planned everything up until the airport. When they reached the airport in Florida, they had no idea what they was doing after that but they had just decided to over come that hurdle when they faced it. 

Each of the girls had to pack there bags, keep them hidden and somehow sneak them out of the house without someone one noticing, but that was a personal issue and not one they had planned for as a group. 

Step Two;

Step two was the most important step, Dinah liked to call step two 'FUCK IT' because step two consisted of everyone saying fuck it to there lives. 


Ally wheeled her suitcase behind her as she entered into the college cafeteria, she saw the group she was looking for. She stomped her way over to the full table, usually she would get nervous and back out but with the guarantee she wouldn't be here tomorrow, she kept going. 

"No I'm not Verne Troyer and no i didnt star in Game of Thrones but i appreciate the compliments, my names actually Ally Brooke and your an- an"

"Asshole" Ally turned around at the sudden voice behind her, Troy. Ally beamed at the sight of the boy, there was so much she wanted to ask him but right now it had to wait. She turned back to the shocked group as the main boy from the days before stood from his seat angrily that he had been embarrassed. The boy reached out to grab the top of Ally's arm but was quickly stopped by Troy, Troy pulled the boy close to him so he could whisper into his ear. 

"If you ever try and lay a hand on my girlfriend again, i will hunt you down and kill you. I'll stab my way to your intestines and then I'll rip them out and choke you to death with them, Do you understand me ?" Troy really had to thank Lauren for that line, because it even made the biggest man in the room go weak at the knees. The boy frantically shook his head as Troy realised him from his grip, turning back to a grinning Ally and walking her out of the cafeteria. 

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