chapter 1 - a chat with father

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It's the middle of the afternoon...

BOBOIBOY is doing his homework at the cocoa stall. But he seems to be in a bad mood, which he doesn't want make eyes contacts on something else but to focus on his studies. While Ochobot sadly frown at him.

As he is busy, his grandfather approaches were he is holding a tablet.

Tok Aba: BOBOIBOY, there's someone who wants to see you.

Boboiboy: (sighs) not now grandad. Can't you see that I'm doing my homework.

He placed the tablet on the holder, so the screen will faced his grandson. Though BBB is still not want to look into the screen but to do his homework, he heard a voice that the element user has knew someone.

???: BOBOIBOY! It's been a long time since you decided to live with grandad.

It turns out to be his father, Amato. They haven't seen each other for years. Due to his job as an ambassador.

BOBOIBOY: DAD?! What brings you here? I thought you were busy with your work.

Amato: well I'm off duties right now. I just want to see my little boy.

Ochobot: hello sir, it's been a while.

Amato: hello there, Ochobot.

It confirmed that he and the power sphere had already known each other from the past few years already.

But a disgruntled BOBOIBOY doesn't want to answer as he became silent.

Amato: is there something wrong, boboiboy? You seems to be in a bad mood.

Boboiboy: oh it's nothing at all. I'm only tired...

Amato: come on, spill it out already. There's no need to hide from your dad.

This makes boboiboy to reluctantly confess about the incidents between TAPOPS and his friends.

Boboiboy: oh alright. I'll tell you what happened. From the last few weeks, we have a mission to rescue a power sphere, but things didn't turn out well.

Amato: did you do something wrong?

Boboiboy: yeah...

He exclaims to his father about his last mission. They were supposed to rescue the power sphere, Weatherbot, from the alien criminals.

But was backfired when the element user made a wrong choice to summon one of his clones. Such as Ais was too lazy to follow orders. While both Halilintar and Taufan don't get along, as they always argue with each other.

This makes the criminals to escape, because boboiboy wasn't able to catch them up in time. BBB gets all the blame for the failed mission.

Amato: you just failed the mission and get scolded by the commander and admiral. Is that all?

Boboiboy: ...not only that... whenever we were on the mission, I see people were in danger, even when it's not a part of the mission. So... I jeopardize the mission. Making the commander and the admiral, even my friends, scolded me for my carelessness. But there's an incident that I totally regretted it.




He explained the incident during their last mission for the power sphere from the abandoned space ship. But it was a trapped by the space pirates, who planned to destroy the heroes.

Although they have a best effort on battling the pirates, the battle indirectly caused a fire running all over the ship, which it's going to explode. BBB has no choice but to buy his friends to escape while he has to keep the pirates busy. But he ended up putting himself in danger.

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