Chapter Fifteen

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Song of the Chapter - Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars


Valerie and I woke up the next morning bright and early. We repeated last night about 2 more times. One time in the comfort of our own bed, and one time on the couch because we couldn't even make it to the kitchen. We were obsessed with each other. There was no stopping us.

When I thought things couldn't get any better, I was wrong. Ever since we gave ourselves to each other last night, I've felt closer to her, if that was even possible. Valerie was glowing, too. Her skin radiated this immense brightness that I've never seen before, and I had a feeling it was because we're in the best place romantically that we've ever been.

We finally stopped repeating the events from last night and actually made breakfast. Everything inside me wanted to touch her again and see her shut her eyes under me, but I knew we had things to do today, and that we can save it again for later.

Valerie makes us french toast, one of my favorites, and begins to mix the batter. She goes into the fridge to grab the milk and eggs, and laughs as she comes across the bag of milk sitting on the top shelf. It's hilarious that she's still getting used to Canada, and thinks that our milk still comes in cartons. It's gonna be weird going to Brooklyn because I haven't been to America since my last tour, but I was really excited to see New York and to also meet Valerie's parents.

I'm sitting at the Island, and Valerie is across from me with the skillet in front of her. She's flipping the toast, but also has an uneasy look on her face.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked her.

She didn't make eye contact with me. "I'm just nervous about today, that's all."

"Hey, you have no reason to be nervous. You've already met my mom and sister, and I already know that my dad is going to absolutely love you," I assured her, and a smile crept upon her face.

My small reassurance boosted her mood, thankfully, and we ate breakfast while talking about other things that got our minds off of going to Pickering today. We talked about the album and how I'm really excited for her to hear the rest of it when it's done. It's good that she already knows that everything is about her.

We finished up and cleaned quickly since we had to leave soon. My mom invited us over for an early lunch, so I honestly have no clue why we even ate, but I always have room for my mom's food. The ride to my parent's house was around 40 minutes, which gave Valerie and I some time to enjoy Pickering and take in its scenery rather than rushing over.


As Shawn's driving down this long road, I take in how incredible Pickering looks. It's a small town, but the scenery is like it was this huge city. I finally knew the hype about Shawn's every time he or Brian talked about it.

"This town is fucking beautiful," I told him as I stared outside my window.

"Right? I could never see myself living anywhere else," he told me, and I smiled. "Hopefully we'll raise our kids here one day."

My head whipped toward him. Kids? Oh, wow. Marriage, kids, and buying a house... all things that I haven't thought about. Of course, I want to marry Shawn, and of course, we're going to have kids, but it's weird to think about it. Not because I don't love him, but because I've never loved someone that much to have to think about being with them for the rest of my life. It makes me happy, actually. I feel far from anxious.

"Me, too. I want our kids to grow up in this amazing town," I replied before he thought I was thinking about what he said too much.

Shawn glances over at me and grabs my hand with the one that wasn't secured on the wheel. He rubbed his thumb over the top of my hand, and it created butterflies all in my stomach.

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