Chapter 36

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Setting in a seat gets boring after a while, so when I get bored of just sitting in my jet seat, it's no surprise. I reach in my bag and pull out a notebook and a pencil. I flip to the first clean page in my notebook and start writing and before I know it, I have a song that only needs music to go with it. I smile as more lyrics pop into my head and I start writing another song. 

"What'cha doin'?" Zane asks me

"Writing songs that hopefully if we live through this will get published with music videos," I reply

"That's nice, um, we got a hit on Nikita, she's in Rome now," Zane tells me 

I look up at him and nod my head. I look back down and start humming how I think the music should sound with the two songs I just wrote. I get broke from my thoughts when my phone rings and it's dad saying that he found mom and she's gonna be okay. I let out a sigh of relief but we still have to find Nikita and take her down.

"Hey, I'm gonna call, Hobbs," Dom says

"Who's that?" I ask

"Federal agent friend," Dom tells me

"Ahh, okay," I reply

Soon enough we've landed in Rome and heading to Nikita's latest location. Before I get off the jet, I change into this.

 Before I get off the jet, I change into this

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I walk to the back of the jet and get in my car so we can drive to Nikita's latest location. When we get there, I walk up to the door and keep one hand on my gun. 

"WE KNOW YOU'RE HERE!" I yell into the distance

I get evil laughing as my response.


I can hear someone crying in the distance. I hear them whimper and realize who it is.

"Ashley," I whisper

"Kayla, please don't let anything bad happen to me, too many people have already gotten hurt," Ashley says to me as he steps forward

I take in his appearance and Nikita has her gun pressed to his temple.

"Nothing's going to happen to you, I promise," I tell the scared boy

I glare at Nikita and draw my gun.

"Now Kayla, you know that all you have to do is hand back the software and this is all over.'" Nikita speaks

"NO. WAY. IN. HELL." I  growl

"Come on now, don't you want your family to be safe again?" Nikita asks

"Yes I do, but I don't want to destroy the whole world just to keep us safe," I reply

Nikita presses the gun further into Ashley's temple. I cock my gun and point it right at Nikita's forehead. Yeah no, that's not happening, sucking in a breath, my finger gets tighter on the trigger until I pull it and hit Nikita right between the eyes. She drops with a thud and Ashley stands frozen. I drop my gun and run over to him.

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