🧡Army x Aloha pt 2🩷

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(But this time Aloha's the one being tickled) and Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

Narrator's pov

Army was thinking about what happened to him 4 months ago. He felt embarrassed about it.

Army: Damnit! Why did I give in to that stupid pink party animal?!

Army was frustrated, and was about to burst until, he saw a bottle that looked familiar. Army decided to take a closer look and what he saw, shocked him.

Army: I-It can't be.

It was the special concoction Aloha made for him that day. Army became shocked, dropping the bottle immediately and backed away a little, he began to have a few flashbacks of what Aloha did to him.

Flashback (From part one of my Army x Aloha chapter)

Army: W-What's that?

Aloha: It's a little special concoction I made for you. I got it off the internet.

Army: What's it going to do to me?

Aloha: Oh! All I have to do is spread it on your armpits, belly, and your feet and while you're being tickled you'll slowly began to love being tickled, you'll slowly began to want me to tickle you, you'll slowly become My. little. tickle slave.

End of flashback

My little tickle slave, Those words echoed through Army's mind. He hated that he had to go through that, he hated being tickled,...he hated what Aloha did to him.

Army: Goddamnit! Why did I have to go through all of that?! Why just wh-

Army stopped feeling frustrated and looked back at the bottle, he picked it up and....finally, it came to him. He could use the stuff on Aloha himself and make him feel the same way. Army chuckled at the idea.

Army: This stuff can be useful. I'm going to use this and teach that stupid pink party animal a lesson.

Army got up and grabbed his phone.

(Oof I never did text before so no hate pls ;-;)

Captain curry🍛
Hey Aloha are you available?

Pink loser🌺
Yeah, what's up?

Captain curry🍛
I need you to come over
something came up.

Pink loser🌺
Ok I'm coming. Be there in 5.

Army smirked and got up, he walked to his closet, where he remembered Aloha putting a box in there it was labeled, 'tickle torture tools'. Army picked up the box and opened it and found a few items that could be useful in it.

Army: Hmm let's see two electric toothbrushes, four paintbrushes, two feathers, and 4 restraints, and with this stuff. Hahahaha oh Aloha....

Army looked at the tickle torture tools and then back at the bottle of the pink tickle potion he was holding.

Army: I'm about to give you hell.

Time skip 3 minutes later

Aloha arrived at Army's house, and pushed the doorbell.

Aloha:*mind* You know I should apologize to Army for What I did to him 4 months ago. I didn't mean to get carried away, yeah maybe I should apologize to him......Geez what's taking him so long?

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