T3N: Forgive and Forget 2

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I woke up to feel my sister cuddling into my side. I nudged her until she woke up and we both shifted back into our human forms. I played with her hair as she breathed quietly. The question she had asked replayed in my mind,where did we belong? I knew it was dumb to ask that,we are wolves for goodness sake! We belong out and about,together. In our pack. She has alpha blood,when she finds her mate she can create her own pack and we can live there!

"Brother,what are you thinking about?" She asked,taking me out of my daze. I looked down and shook my head. She nodded and stood up. "Well then,let's go! Danny and Lila will feed us," she said,a smile present on her face. I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Alright,let's go." I said,laughing a little. She was so happy to hear my laugh and we immediately ran back to the city. After a while of running through the city we met up with Lila and Danny. We all ate and told them what happened.

"That's so not cool! You deserve to be with your mate," Lila said. Danny shook his head and growled. He protected me and my sister ever since we met but I never thought he would be this angry.

"I'm going to kill that pack!" He mumbled bitterly. I sighed and nodded,not wanting to argue this early in the morning. We all got up and walked around for about three hours until we got tired and wanted to rest in the park. That's when my mate decided to show up.

He stared at us,his eyes were very curious and sad. He looked like a puppy who lost there owner. "I'm sorry for my sister..." He whimpered. I felt my heart sink as he looked at me,then Kalea and finally Danny and Lila. I gave him a smile and he sat next to me. "She doesn't mean it...I promise," He spoke.

"I know,but Kalea doesn't deserve to be told she doesn't belong somewhere,when she belongs everywhere." I told him softly. He nodded and looked at Kalea. She crawled into his lap and rested on his chest.

"It's okay big puppy,thank you for coming back!" She giggled. He was happy we were alright and that was enough for me. Lila and Danny left and we just stayed there and talked for a bit. It made me happy knowing he cared enough to look for us.

I guess I can forgive and forget~!

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