It's all up to Fate

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Samantha Williams. A girl who literally chased her dreams. But, the question is, do these things really happen? Well, I don't know. Many weird and strange and illogical cases occur in our life. It depends on the victim. If victim thinks it's just coincidence, he/she will surely find an excuse to get away with it. He/she will try and ignore and just move on eventually. Or maybe, the person won't even remember what happened last night.

On the other hand, there are possibility thinkers, who believe that illogical stuff can come true. The struggle, and struggle, and struggle, just to make sure their dreams, their hope, their love, their goal and their belief survives. Some of these possibility thinkers succeed at achieving what they dreamt of. They fight the world just to make sure that they never let themselves down due to circumstances. Not every possibility thinker becomes successful, but almost every possibility thinker tries well and hard enough and give their best.

No matter what the victim tries, there is something that brings him/her to the truth. Even if you think you're running away from it, or you think you're going in the wrong direction or you think you've chosen the way that doesn't lead you to it; you're somehow gonna reach the point where you're gonna meet your end. It doesn't always matter how far you try to move from your fate, Fate always has the force to lead you on the way back to it like a U-turn.

No matter how much you think of random dreams as coincidences, if that's your fate, that's surely gonna reach you or maybe, you'll yourself run towards it unwillingly. 

The question is, how are you going to identify what your fate is?

Well, I do not know. Fate always gives you a clue on every step that leads you to itself. Fate is powerful enough to fight every difficulty that might come your way. But fate does not work like that. It guides you and shows you the way, but at the end, it's you who has to fight everything.

That's what matters.

Give your 100 percent.

Do your best.

And one more thing,

There Is No Coincidence!

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