I know you can't hear but I say miss you.
You were always there.
Even when you acted rude,
You always seemed to care.
You meant so much to me.
you had special place in my life.
This no one can deny
Those memories we spend
are always in my mind.
Every Night my eyes are wet by the tears that are shed
Just because i miss you..
Just because i cant ditch our friendship unlike you.
I don't know what happened.
Why u left.
I hope you have a genuine reason.
Because due to it,
My nights were left un-slept.
you better be responsible for
my emotional wreck.
because I have already lost the count of the painful tear I had shed.
Its being months since our last talk.
I never knew everything would fall apart.
Else i would never let you so close to my heart.
Even though i said goodbye.
My heart had not accepted it yet.
Strange,I lost faith in friendship but i still trust you.
It is said that time heals hurt.
I don't think its true.
I even I have a proof.
Because I still can't forget u.
Our friendship is treasured forever in my heart.
When ever you want a share just tell me once.
Friends if you have gone through it or you like it please vote ^_^.