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Chapter Four: Buy Glow-In-The-Dark Stuff

I make myself comfortable on my couch, my gaze focused on my front door. I watched it like a tiger watches his prey, because I'm just that weird.

"Okay Amber, you're starting to scare me. What exactly are you waiting for?" Dad questions, sitting beside me on the couch.

"A friend is coming over. He's picking me up. We're gonna have a make over."

"He?" Dad repeats, " Makeover?!"

"Yes, he. He's a friend of Travis' and he's the son of your coworker. The one I babysat for."

"Thalia? She has a son?"

"Yeah, his name is Tanner," I nod. But just as dad opens his mouth to speak, I hear the doorbell ring, "That's probably him right now. Bye dad, love you!"

"Love you too, sweetie."

I'm honestly surprised that he didn't walk up to the front door to see who I was leaving with. But then again, I guess he understood that we were just friends.

I swing the front door open, almost melting once I see Tanner. He wasn't even wearing anything special, so I don't know why it looks so good on him.

"Hey Tanner, got the makeup?" I ask, closing my front door behind me.

"Yeah, I do."

I'm honestly surprised that he didn't comment when I called it 'makeup'. I'm sure he'd say something like; "You make it seem like I'm a girl." But sure enough he didn't.

"So..." he trails off, "Mom took Alice for a play date, so we have the house to ourselves. And yeah, I'll drive you back here before your curfew."

"I don't have a curfew, but dad will go crazy if I came home late," I shrug. "So I guess you could call it that."


I giggle, feeling the tip of the lipstick on my bottom lip. Makeup wasn't exactly ticklish, but since it was tanner who was placing it on me, it was.

"Don't move! You're making it harder for me!" He complains, finished with my bottom lip.

"I hope your using a good color," I murmur, before he starts with my upper lip.

"I'm using a great color. Green is totally your color," he smirks finished.

"You what?!" I shout, "Green isn't my color! Its nobodies!"

"Relax. It will look good in the dark. And honestly," he looks away, looking through the makeup kit. "You still look beautiful."

I blush, "Thanks."

"No problem. Now," his index finger touches bellow my eye, pulling it down a bit, "Eye liner time."

"No!" I shout, punching my eyes shut, "You'll hurt my eyes, lemme do it!"

"No! We agreed---"

I open up my eyes, giving him a look, "So your saying it would be okay that I placed on your eyes as well?"

"No. Its freaky. I think it hurts."

"I think it hurts if a inexperienced person did it. So gimme. Lemme do it myself," I say, extending my palm out for him to place it on it.

I was finished in no time, so it was his turn to he beautified. Though after we finished with his lipstick, he was too scared...

"Come on! I'm an expert with eyeliner and mascara!" I try and persuade him.

"I said no. Just go crazy with the lipstick. Smear it in my cheeks and eyes, I don't care. Just the lipstick."

"You sure?"

"Positive," he nods, confirming it.

"Okay..." I lightly press the tip of the lipstick on his left cheek, drawing a small heart on it. I then move to his right cheek, carelessly writing my name on it. "I think that's it."

"Okay," he runs towards the light switch, flicking it off. Then we both race to the vanity mirror hanging on the wall.

"Wow! This is so--- You seriously wrote your name on my face?" He wasn't mad, he was actually laughing out loud.

"So cool!" I praise, examining my glowing lips and eyes, "Oh my God! We need a selfie!" But just as my hands touch my pockets to pull out my phone, I freeze, "Oh yeah."

He hugs me from behind, his arms wrapping around me, my back pressed up against his front. "You okay?" He says into my ear.

"I'm fine. I guess it was just a force of habbit. Let's forget about it," I tore my gaze from the mirror looking up at him. "Thanks for this," I grin, hugging him.

"No problem," he then presses a kiss to my cheek, making a smile force its way on my lips. "Dang!"

"What?" I blink back to reality, frowing. Did he regret it?

"I got lipstick on your cheek! Its glowing!" He then groans, realizing. "I killed the moment, didn't I?"

"Uh... yeah."

"Sorry?" He gives me a sheepish smile.

"But it wasn't totally ruined."

I liked him. Its official. He's a dork, and he's crazy. But in the sweetest way possible. I'm that kind of girl. The kind who'd instantly like a guy with just the littlest things he did. Call me crazy, but I don't care.

He grins, "What's next on that list of yours?"



Yeah , I don't like their ship name so much, but who cares!!! THEY'RE SO CUTE!

Die with me!


Lmao, but srsly, aren't they cute? Tanner is so adorbs and he's not even trying!!

Question: Am I the only one who loves Tanner and Amber's stupidity?

Kk bye. This is getting long.

((Amber's face when she sees tanner hahah)

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