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Chapter Five: Slap A Couple Of Animals At The Zoo

Why do I even have that on my ToDo list? I mentally scold myself, reading the fifth thing on my bucket list.

How on earth was I gonna get away with spanking all those animals? More importantly; why did I even want to spank them in the first place?

Was I really that heartless?

But let's be honest, wouldn't it be cool?

Wait! Was that even legal? You know, animal abuse?

Oh my God! It was animal abuse wasn't it?!

What if I just whacked them gently? Like gentle, not to hurt them. But to still get a reaction from them?

I'm heartless. I see that now.

Do I really want to whack the innocent animals?

Yes. It'd be cool.

I ended the mini argument I had with myself. This was on my ToDo list. And I didn't have a creative mind to think of something else.

Besides, Tanner was coming to pick me up. He said he'd drive me to the petting zoo. And guess what, we had an agreement yesterday.

I had to whack whichever animal he wanted.

Yeah, its crazy. And I simply had to do that. He didn't offer anything in return, he just wanted to make this trip interesting, so I went with it.

I'll regret it… I think.

The doorbell rings, my name shortly being called after, "Amber?" I faintly hear the voice thanks to my uncanny distance from the door, but I'm certain it was Tanner.

I tie my hair up in a messed up ponytail as I walked to the door, opening it right after. I was greeted with a grinning Tanner, "Why are you smiling like that?" I question, closing the door behind me.

"Just thinking of the many things you'd slap today," he chuckles.

"Nice try, but I'm sure I'd get arrested for animal abuse, so it ain't gonna be painful slaps. Just light ones," I explain.

"You'd still be slapping them then," he insists.


"Slap it!" He whispers in my ear, not wanting any of the zookeepers or other people to hear.

"Fine," I groan. I took at the baby goat in front of me, it looked so innocent. I sigh, walking over to its behind. "Sorry," I whisper. I raise my hand and gently spanked the animal.

It was somewhat like the playful slaps people have nowadays, though the goat wasn't expecting it. It stood up, standing on its back legs for just a few seconds before it ran the other way.

I walk back over to Tanner who was currently laughing at me, "You're heartless."

"You're the one that spanked it."

"That's like, the fifth cutie I've spanked. How can you still find this amusing?"

He simply shrugs, biting his lip to keep his laughter in. He looked like he remembered something, that he was ready to laugh again, but he held it, shrugging. "Their reactions are different."

I laughed. I couldn't help it! He looked so funny holding his laughter, and then all of a sudden, he was calm and shrugging.

"What?" He raises his brows, "Why are you laughing?"

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