Thank you

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Thank you for reading Loudspeaker! I will always write regardless because it's important to me, but I appreciate people reading what I write and connecting with the thoughts, feelings, ideas I am expressing. I am always grateful when I see someone has read my work and added it to their reading list or voted on one of the poems. Red is the colour of passion has now 1.5K reads and both TSF3 and In Your Head (posted only in October!) have hit 1K. So thank you for that.

There's something special about each poetry collection I've written, something about it that sets it apart from others. I think with Loudspeaker it was the cohesive imagery and themes that ran through the poems, and within that told stories. Throughout Loudspeaker, I found my voice in the sense that I wrote honestly and frankly about all sorts of issues that can be serious and intimidating to explore. That's another reason why it's called Loudspeaker - you let go of the fears holding you back and just say what you need to say.

I would also like to thank in particular my friends for supporting me and Clumpywoods for writing Homecoming Queen with me and always reading first drafts or listening to me talk about new poem ideas! So far, I have written six new poems for my next collection.

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