🖇 ; Lee Know

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Lee Minho

"minhooooooooo, give it backkkk," you whined. You recieved silence. This silence is something you're used to. It's not a comfortable silence, but yet its not total silence. You see, i'm in school, 30 minutes before school starts. So, Minho and I are in the hallway. Why am I whining? Cause Minho took my textbook and he is too tall. Why the silence? Minho is a cold child. He either replies you with short sentences or basically ask you to answer your own question with his body language.

Who is Minho exactly? He's my childhood bestfriend. He has always been cold since young. Of course it wasn't as bad as now when he was a child. The one thing that got him even colder was his ex-girlfriend. He was dating this girl for 3 years when he found out that she was using him for his money. Minho loved this girl a lot, to the point that he would buy anything for her. Even he wouldn't do it for me.

Anyway, back to present times, I was yet again calling out for him to give me back his book. Normally, he wouldn't do it for long because he knows i'll get mad, and that he wont recieve any hugs. Yes, hugs. He always seems cold, but deep down, I know how sensitive he is.

No One's POV
He was starting to annoy you more than usual so you decided to walk away. Seeing you annoyed because of his 'little too long' provoking, he went up to you. "What," you shot coldly. "woah woah chill," he replied, surprised.

Being annoyed, you just walked towards your classroom. As you were about to step in, you felt someone grab your hair. A sharp pain went through your head. You yelped at the sudden gesture. The figure pulled you to a dark corner.

"Well well, look who we have here, hm? Let's have our morning play. Why? You thought you could skip today's session, didn't you?" A voice asked. It was her. Everyday, whether the time, she would always provoke you. Yesterday, you were supposed to study with Minho after school. But she pulled you somewhere and started kicking and punching you, causing you to come back home around 8pm. Your mum, was of course worried, but you told her you fell down the stairs.

Bruises can't be hidden, so your mum didn't believe it. However, you somehow managed to convince her. Knowing Minho may get mad, you texted him saying you had a little accident with yourself.

Right now? She was slapping you in the face, asking you to speak up. She then grabbed your collar, bringing you closer to her. She was about to throw you against the wall when you felt a halt. No force was being applied. Instead, her hand relaxed.

You slowly opened your eyes to see the situation. What happened right in front of you shocked you. You saw Minho standing there holding her hand, preventing her from throwing you. Knowing she has a crush on Minho, she batted her fake eyelashes at him, asking, "awh Minho baby, why are you here?" Well she sure can act, you thought.

"Shut up Nayun," he said, rolling his eyes. (im very aware of their fs, its so cute jcdkdm sorry to use her namee) Pulling her away from you, he immediately hugged you. "Why didn't you tell me you were being bullied? And yesterday this happened as well didn't it? How long has this been going on?" He asked, bombarding you with questions.

You answered them quietly, loud enough for him to hear, as your tears started to fall. "Shhh, everything is going to be okay.." he whispered. It has been a long time since he said these kind of things so you were surprised.

After you calmed down, he told you something you had never expected, "i love you, you know that?" As you were head over heals for this man, you were confused. Is he confessing? Or is it just best friends kind of love. When he didn't hear a reply from you, he just chuckled. A few seconds later, he broke the hug and said, "I guess i'm getting rejected by the one I have a crush on then. It's fine, as long as we don't get—" You cut him, with your lips connected with each others. When his soft lips hit yours, you had butterflies in your stomach.

Breaking the kiss and after catching your breath, you replied, "I love you too dumbo, I was just confused by your sudden confession," you lied, well a little anyways. He hugged you and apologised, "Sorry, I thought you wouldn't like me because of my personality..." "How can you say that? Tsk, let's go to class now," you replied. Breaking the hug, you took his wrist and led him to your classroom. Sitting beside each other, he took your hand in his and left it like that throughout the whole lesson.
837 words.
hello!! now i wont post according to members age...ill just post wtv member i feel like writing 🥲🥲 this story can also be found on my ig !! ill post the rest of the members soon!! i decided to write more because of the high number of readers im recieving lately,,, THANK U SM !!! JDNEMDN ✨✨

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