Chapter 25

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After they came out of the airport Zee switched on his phone. Yap they switched off their phone so that nobody could disturb their vacation. Zee frowned upon seeing a lots of missed calls from his father. But he quickly adjusted his expression as he didn't wanna make Saint worried before he knew what's going on. He decided he would visit his parents himself rather than call back.
"Baby can you please go home with Sai? I have something important to do."
"Sure daddy"
"Sai take care of him. And baby text me as soon as you're home. Ok??"
"Ok daddy... You also be careful"

Zee drove to his parents house. Upon entering he saw his father in the living room looking rather cold and his mother nowhere near.
"Dad why did you call me so many times?? Is everything alright?? Are you okay?? Where is mom?? Did something happen to her??"
"Now you remember you've parents huh?? Where were you for the last one week?"
"We went to a vacation in Hawaii... You know Saint never lived away from home so he was feeling down... I just wanted to cheer him"
"Cheer him how?? By making him your slut??"
"Dad" exclaimed Zee surprised.
"What?? You dare to deny?? What's all these??" Zee's father threw few pictures at him. Zee was startled but bend to take the pictures. When he saw the pictures he was stunned. They were pictures of him and Saint. The first picture was them kissing at the shopping mall, next was the photo he took the day of scuba diving where he was kissing Saint's cheeks and many more intimate pictures like that.

"Where did you get all the pictures??"
"So they are all true... I thought maybe... But no... You really are having inappropriate relationship with your son... How disgusting"
"Dad" Zee was hurt..  yes he knew they had to face a lot of criticism but from his father.  He never once thought his father would think him disgusting.
"Mom... You also think I'm disgusting??"
"Zee let me ask you something... Are you sure about your feelings?? Or are you just confused because of his looks??"
"No mom... I'm sure..  even I tried to deny at first but that only brought misery to both of us..  I don't wanna go through the hurt again mom"
"If you two are sure then I support you"
"What?? Really mom?? Thanks a lot"
"I don't agree... I'll never agree with your relationship with Saint"
"What's your problem?? Why can't you accept because of your son's happiness??"asked Zee's mom.
"How can you agree with this?? He is our only son.. what will the society think?? Not only he loves a boy but also the boy is his adopted son"
"So you care more about society than your son's happiness??"
"Also I'm thinking about his happiness... Do you think he will be happy for the rest of his life without an heir? Whom will he pass his business empire?? And also every person desire his own child"
"Dad please.. what are you thinking?? We can always adopt children.. if you want my own blood then there is option for surrogacy... So much options I won't have to leave Saint just because he can't give birth"
"He is your son for god's sake" shouted Zee's father.
"They are not related by blood anyway" retorted Zee's mom. Zee was glad his mom supported him and hoped his father also could accept him
"What?! Don't you have any more lame reasons?? Why can't you just accept them??"
"Huh I'll never accept them.. it won't last long anyway..  they have so much age gap. Do you think Saint won't leave him if he gets better option??"
"Dad please don't say something like that about Saint. We both sincerely love and care for each other. It's too difficult for us to live away from each other. I hope you won't try to break us. Even if you can't accept us now I hope one day you could bless us."
"Listen I'm going to Zee's house to bless my would be son-in-law. If you can't bless them live alone for some days. That would be perfect to make you realise your mistake. And also I hope you can let go all of your absurd reasons and bless them eventually. Let's go Zee"
"Okay mom"

Zee and his mom went to the mansion where Saint was waiting. He was confused when he saw Zee's mother with him
"Grandma why are you here??"
"Ohhh now don't you miss me at all?? You don't wanna see me??"
"It's not like that grandma... You know how much I love and miss you"
"Owww my baby... And now at least call me mom instead of grandma" Saint looked at Zee with shocked eyes. Zee nodded smiling.
"Grandma you know?? And you have no objection??"
"Why would I have objection if my children are happy? Listen you both are precious to me.. I am happy if you are happy"
Saint hugged her tightly
"Thank you so much... You don't know how much your support means to us"
She smiled and patted saint's shoulder
"Alright.. I know you both are tired .. now go take rest"

The same night

"Yes mom?"
"Can you come to my room? I've something to talk to you"
"Sure mom"
"Zee did you tell Saint about your feelings for Tutor??"
"No mom"
"I was afraid"
"Zee I can understand how you feel... But it's better to tell him everything.. if he knows this from anywhere else it will hurt him"
"I understand mom... I will talk to him about this"

Next afternoon

"Baby can I talk to you??"
"Yes daddy?? What is it??"
"Baby I've something to tell you... Please listen to me carefully and don't be upset ok??"
"Don't scare me daddy..  just say it"
Then he told Saint everything about his childhood and feelings for Tutor.
Saint listened carefully without interrupting. After finishing he asked, "baby are you mad?? Why aren't you talking??"
"Daddy why are you saying this now??"
"I don't want you to know this from anywhere else"
"I know daddy everyone has past and also I know you love me very much... So you don't have to worry about it" Saint offered a smile to Zee
"Thanks a lot baby. You don't know how relieved I'm. I love you baby"
"I love you too daddy"
They hugged tightly and spent their afternoon in each others embrace.

[Small update.... But finally it's great that the parents know about them though his father doesn't agree... Any guesses about who sent the photos?? See you in the next chapter
Keep supporting naaa 😊 I love you all 💕]

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