How To Make A Mind Palace
Yes, Mind Palaces are real things. They are a memory tactic also known as the Loci Theory. If you would like to create your own mind palace, I have written all of my steps inside. Remember, it is not easy.
Yes, Mind Palaces are real things. They are a memory tactic also known as the Loci Theory. If you would like to create your own mind palace, I have written all of my steps inside. Remember, it is not easy.
Different codes and ciphers, credits to where I've got those- probably from Google or people I know.
A guide to deduction, by Sherlock Holmes. If you would like to learn how to deduct people the way I do, to impress them, or for a good reason, or just to know you can, the secrets are inside my book.
How do make deductions like Sherlock Holmes does!! ~I do not own any of these, credit to whoever came up with them~
No copyright intended. Simple day to day things that help with deductions. No longer will you miss out on the details that explain the attributes of a person. Credit goes to who ever made these deductions up.