In this poem, a haunting exploration of beauty and fragility unfolds, delving into the suffocating expectations placed upon a soul that has been moulded into a delicate...
Ethan Anderson, a friendly yet accident-prone student of Ravenwood High, is trying to pull his life back together.
His parents, whom he loves so much, are both fighting...
This story is a representation of mostly intrusive thoughts.
It can also be interpreted as schizophrenia, ocd, or autism.
The narrator has intrusive thoughts and images...
⚠️TW⚠️ venting, depression, unliving oneself, sh
Short sad stories that I like to write to myself, so might as well post them somewhere.
I might post some poems time to...
Some short novels that I wrote, and I want to save and share them. If you are bored then you can check it out.
Because : There is no greater agony than bearing an untold...
I remember you said you didn't know me. I remember you said I'm mysterious. There may never be any knowing me, but here I am to send you a message. Read it before it...
So many words on my mind
As much as I write it feels like the tip of the iceberg
So much simpler to write than to speak
So I share my mind as much as I can give
the person she's always been,
has been here all along.
[started : 12/23/2020]
[6/5/2023 : date of official rework and revision]
cerebro function : a diary
Well, can any one believe it? Who can believe that David the sixteen year old boy around the corner, the last person that anyone including himself could think of, actua...
A Sonnet for the ashes that lie within my heart. It's long gone but the heat still hurt me. The burnt hole that the fire left out is irreplacable. I hope you read this H...