A boy lost in such desperation to save a loved one soon finds a miracle of a lifetime to help him accomplish his goals. Forbidden to follow freedom, he decides to create his own by stepping up. A life filled with crimes that he falsely approved guilty for. He grows and begins to understand the meaning of life with the help of a peace-maker. A man seeking to find justice to whom he'd lost, revealing the culprits and the guilty. A decision hard to make, involving hardship and secretary love. How will he make himself clear to this young boy who was found falsely guilty for the loss of a young woman. A book filled with suspense and unravelling mysteries, love unfolding through the crevices of the unknown. Adoration and honesty sweeping through the air, bringing a once guilty and a peace-maker closer. Novel written by: Sock @XcornyredsockX Facebook: XcornyredsockX Twitter: XcornyredsockX Follow, comment and vote! Happy reading!