There is a shadow lurking on the edge of our perception, in the worst of our nightmares. It is us. It has always been us. Welcome to my first collection of poetry. Here you will find a mangled mess of dark, eccentric and sometimes hopeful poems. They are suffocating, odd, haunting. Some works have been taken down and are now part of my published book. The first three poems which have been left up are included in Goblin Garden. Goblin Garden was published by the house O Kupos Me Tis Lexies (which is Greek for Garden of Words). The book is bilingual (the poems are printed in both English and Greek!). If you live in Greece you can purchase Goblin Garden from most bookshops, for those folks living abroad (and those who'd like a signed copy) just follow your nose to my WIX page---> Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible :)