// Love you FNF but you're dead af and I don't think it's coming back anytime soon


“Why…does thou even bother…? I am vulnerable, it would be easy to kill me and become an overlord. Just as thou wanted..” 
          Zestial coughs blood with his back up against the wall, leaning back to maintain balance after an attack from one of the exterminators. He managed to fight them off except now he’s injured, looking at his apprentice, Sir Pentious, weakly while he helped him walk. Morde couldn’t believe the sinner didn’t take this opportunity to double cross him.


            With permission granted, Pentious got to work, moving Zestial's shirt to the side to get a better look at the wound. From first appearances, it didn't look too deep, nor was the bleeding super heavy, both things that settled Pentious slightly. He didn't feel too unprepared anymore, at least. "Okay... I don't think you'll need stitches. Just needs to be bandaged, that's all." Pentious dug through the first aid kit once again, pulling out more things he needed before returning back to work. Tearing off a strip, he held it over the cut to help try and stem the bleeding while he got everything else ready. And once the bleeding had slowed and the wound had been disinfected, Pentious resumed with his bandaging, pulling his hands away once he was done. "There, that should hold... how are you feeling, Mr. Morde?"


//  @-SXRPENT-  //
            “..yes… thou is more than welcomed to do what needs to be done.”  his dim lit, toxic green eyes looked over at the snake sinner while he’d keep his back leaned up against a wall. Zestial might’ve been in pain but this is nothing to him. The older, wise demon had put a great amount of trust which was something that’s rare nowadays, to put your trust in anyone as an overlord especially could be a big mistake. What choice does he have now?? Besides if there truly was ill intentions then by all means it should’ve been done so already. He’s used any last bit of magic in him and barely has the strength to stand. Remaining seated his four eyes softened as he’d nod at Sir Pentious, a look of faith and permission for him to lay his hands on him. Luckily it wasn’t a deep wound, missing any major parts however he would need to patch him up to avoid bleeding out. 


            // don't be, I need to get used to writing again lmao 


