Hey, I'm Eryn! I'm thirteen years old and I have a passion for reading and writing (though my writing skills aren't that impressive). Depending on when you see this, I either have a rant book up or it is in the process of being created.

REMINDER: This is NOT my main account. I will be most active on my other account, @potatochipy.

More Facts About Me That You Probably Don't Care About:
I'm in eighth grade.
My birthday is February 25.
I'm a Pisces.
I'm very awkward and introverted.
I am an INFP.
I make up 1/3 of the Bunny Sisters and the Below-the-Torso sisters. I'm Angelica/Angelega. (Don't. Ask.)
Hamilton is fabulous.
I love anime and manga
I play the cello, but I kinda suck at it.
I'm in choir.
I'm in several fandoms. (Too lazy to list them, sorry.)
Dan and Phil are adorable. (I MET THEM 6/03/16)
  • Üye olduAugust 6, 2016

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Son Mesaj
-whythehellnot -whythehellnot Aug 06, 2016 02:37AM
I already have 7 followers oml thanks 
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