
Heloooo I'll try be more active to update soon  and at he same time I'm so sorry for the delays in stories. I have no excuses aside from being less motivated and having to deal with real life.
          	Stay tuned!!


Hey chat how have y’all been doing? Might update who knows :> (it’s 3am and I’m sleep deprived)


@0tterTurt1e im good looking foward to undates


@dany1t do to hear :D I’m going great!


@ThcLeoDawg sending some bread for you >:3


I had a dream where I had a dick and I tied a pink ribbon on it last night… it was coquette ✨


Damn I had a dream I set my school on fire with my best friend. I was so happy until I woke up(I just absolutely hate my school and all the teachers in it


@0tterTurt1e i do that all the time?


this message may be offensive
I wanna fucking jump off a building rn. I can't believe Toast made me write smut and it's a straight smut.
          And school is shit that's all I wanna say lol.


@0tterTurt1e ayo? You in trouble bay?


Goldfish brain...
          Anyways if you guys wanna request any chapters or ideas you want me to write you can dm me in my socials that I put in my linktree that's in my bio. I mostly use Instagram. You can find any updates on my life there if you want to make sure I'm still alive so I can write any ways byeeeeee.


So I forgot to announce this but like the sequel to Our Love's Only Beginning is already published with 4 chapters with the title of 'We'll Last A Lifetime' upon the request of @PolarrReflex. I'll probably post the rest as soon as next week. I'm pretty drained from all the studying and being a Science Student really is stressful...so I'm not sure how long will it take for me to calm my mind and write again. Hopefully I can come back with chapters to post for both fics and I'm still thinking whether or not to continue Dimensions Within Time. Well...we'll see. For now see you!