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The struggles of being tall:
1. The words "Can you like, move your head over to the side so I can see?" From behind you. Yeah. Those words. They kill me. I literally wanna rip that persons head off. I have to go to extreme measures by leaning back in my chair and almost falling so you can copy the teachers answers cause you didn't do them on your own. -.-
2. The top shelf. Every short person always asks a tall person to get something from a higher area. I'm always grabbing stuff from high places.
3. "Stop growing so fast!" Yeah nope can't do that that's impossible sorry.
4. Tall puns off your name. I'm A-Tree. Audrey, A-Tree, yeah I think you get it.
5. Everyone says you should play basketball. Just because you're tall, everyone's like: "ARE YOU GONNA PLAY BASKETBALL CAUSE YOURE TALL!?" NO IM NOT GONNA PLAY BASKETBALL I LOOSE MY SHOE ON THE COURT MORE THAN HALF THE TIME.
Yep. Struggles.
Also, I played the bells better than more experienced players and made the trumpets stop playing cause they were stunned. Yeah. Just ask me and I'll play at your funeral. XD
'SOUNDS LIKE YOU NEED SOME HORRIBLE BELL PLAYING AND SOME FABULOUS DRUMMING' is my new favorite quote. Because I can't bell, but I can drum.