
I'm almost done with chapter two. I am on a ROLL! But anyway, I want to get it done today but I want to take my time. So I'll probably finish it monday and then edit it a little on tuesday before publishing it. Expect chapter two of BND (Banrigh Nan Dragons) on Wednesday! 


I wish From Blood and Ash was on kindle unlimited, but ig thats okay! Its only like 9 bucks to buy it so I might just do that! 


You know you can get majority of the books for free search the book name and add VK or Z-library. that’s how I dowloand all my books  VK is a Russian app like Tumbler where they put books links to download and for Z-library you need to have a discord account to send the book got so that you get they link to download it !  Here is  the link 


@nora_valziki Ooh! Thank you so much! 


I really need to find my notes, because chapter one of Banrigh Nan Dragons was supposed to AT LEAST be 50-75% done by now, but im stuck at the 25% mark because I can't find my notes. I may just have to recreate their dragons from scratch if I can't find the notes tomorrow. I wanna get the first chapter out ASAP and get started on chapter two. I'm trying to take my time now-a-days because I tend to get ahead of myself and rush through chapters then come back and realize they're crap... Well, sorry for my rant lmao 


Or her in wattpad « create » a file / book were you add the info per chapitre so that when you want to write you can have easy access to them cuz they will already be in the platform 


@nora_valziki That's actually a good idea... Thanks! <3


If you tend to lose your note ask chatgpt to save them , like tell him in chapitre X this this will happen save it and when you want to get it ask him to give you the info about the chapitre X 


If anyone decides to read or has read Anathema by Keri Lake, are there some books y'all suggest that are just like it? I'm on a kick for the book but the sequel doesn't even have a set release date yet and I need something to distract me until then... So... Any suggestions? 


My ice facial arrived from Temu, and the package my mom got arrived too! She got me a beautiful DTF transfer for a tumbler and a necklace/bracelet combo for anxiety! I don't know what the stones are though, but its BEAUTIFUL! Hopefully my other packages arrive soon :/