Sorry if it takes so long to get some adoptables up I have school and it sucks but since I’m doing virtual for the start of the school year I don’t have school on Fridays so that’s good
Sorry if it takes so long to get some adoptables up I have school and it sucks but since I’m doing virtual for the start of the school year I don’t have school on Fridays so that’s good
Alrighty so I got a Stylus pen for my Nintendo and I’m like why don’t I use it for my IPad so I did, and that makes my coloring and drawing a lot more easier so yea, I forgot to tell you so my bad
My mom put me in this summer reading program! I didn’t wanna go but she took me too the library and signed me up anyway I can’t tell her no or I would be screwed. But it’s for the summer so yea at least I can read what I want
@Silverdawn22 Well I can message you later cause I’m kind of busy but go to your notifications then go to messages hit new message then click on your friend who you want to chat with