Please tell a story about Cedric I loved her
Reading Lists
Hey readers! I just wanted to let you guys know. I got a new phone! my old one kind of died on me so i had to get a new one, which is part of the reason i haven't updated so much. I couldn't for the life of me remember my password to here, or my other gmails, (I mean i 've got 5 now!) So i created a new one. I now have a knew account on Wattpad, but that doesn't mean I'll stop here. It just means i have a second one to keep on writing the stories i create for you. happy trails my friends! ps: My new account is is KitsunaMalum. I think you'll understand ;)
Please tell a story about Cedric I loved her
Hey readers! I just wanted to let you guys know. I got a new phone! my old one kind of died on me so i had to get a new one, which is part of the reason i haven't updated so much. I couldn't for the life of me remember my password to here, or my other gmails, (I mean i 've got 5 now!) So i created a new one. I now have a knew account on Wattpad, but that doesn't mean I'll stop here. It just means i have a second one to keep on writing the stories i create for you. happy trails my friends! ps: My new account is is KitsunaMalum. I think you'll understand ;)
Here's another poem for you guys. It's gonna end up being an original song for a new ff, but I'd like to share it with you. Midnight Scripts- Oh who will free our sister, From her twisted mind, Let's take a trip to wonderland, So you may begin to understand. Our sister was born on Halloween night, A witches familiar they thought right, Like the others her soul was deemed unclean, And thus began her madness unchained. A black cat who wanders, ever so far and free, yet captured by despair, and her broken dreams. Kitty Cheshire lives alone, With her heart of stone. Will someone brave come forth, And prove to her their worth? Our sister died so long ago, And though her body's gone, Her soul remains to haunt us, For those who helped her...none. From the darkness within she arose, Planning vengeance one those that oppose, All newborn souls shall hold her protection, No more would others endure her affliction. And it all began from midnight calls, a heart of darkness when it falls. The darkness of a broken heart. The demon who lies within. Who knows now what danger finds. The nightmare will now begin. The new dawn of life torn apart. It's blood devoured by seven sins. Please, our sister heed our calls, Follow us brothers before the autumn falls. We will find the pieces of your heart, Before the world is finally torn apart.
I'm writing a book please read it and tell me what you think
@Laven46 i think it sounds good. I'll need a little more to go on, but if you are really passionate about it, go for it!
So I just came up with a poem for BTS for my book, but I like it so much, I'd like to share it with all of you. "Once upon a time, Long long ago, I was a lonely little child. A long long way, Away from my home, Sat still in a darkened mind. But out of that darkness, Came a crystal light. A light made of voices, Who saw me through the night. And for those who hold my heart, who cured my hurts and sores, I'd like to say... 'I love you' Quote the Ravenette, 'Forevermore.' Alone I was, Til the first one came. We laughed so much, His cheeks were pink, And all I knew was I wasn't afraid. The second come not too long after, A gummy smile, His skin like snow, And his soul was so sweet just like a marshmallow. A year did pass, And soon I saw, That two more had come to set me free. The third was sunshine, Full of fun. A smile so bright, It rivaled the sun. The fourth one was shy, And yet so strong. The world could break so easily, So easy underneath his fingertips. But never did he ever, make me feel unsure. The fifth came soon, And with so much cheek. A mochi boy, So soft to speak. With the sixth I now knew, How much out of place I would never be. Always at home with him, No matter the time or dimension. Last but not least, The seventh came to me. He was a cute little bunny, And I knew... we were meant to be. We all stood still, Our hearts beating as one. You made me feel at peace, No matter what I had done. For those who hold my heart, Who have a soul as strong as mine I'd like to say it one more time... 'I love you' Quote the Ravenette, 'Forevermore.'"
Hi readers. Just wanted to let you know that in addition to 'Legendary Dream Walker' I am currently making another BTS x oc called 'Isles of Mythix'. This one may be a little harder for me to write, but I swear as a writer to do my very best. I love you guys all so much, and thanks for all your support.
Ok, so I've recently started my BTS x OC fanfic. It's called Legendary Dream Walker, and yes, there are warnings for trauma (and dark themes) but this is only development and history for my character's back-story. Please, I beg of you, if you can, please leave comments at the end of each chapter. Like I said before in my last post, I'm really nervous about this one, and as a new Army I would appreciate all the help and advice I can get. I'm writing this not only for pleasure, (pleasure of writing in general) but also for the enjoyment of all you readers. Thanks so much for listening!
@Asgardianprincess101 I LOVE all your stories. mad respest for your writing talent
Thanks for the follow! :^)
OK guys, I've been wanting to do a BTS fanfic for quite a while now, but I'm really nervous about actually writing it. Sure it took me a little less than 3 months to figure out who is who and their personalities (after somehow not knowing they existed for 7 years. I don't know how that happened and it really pisses me off that I missed all that time), but I'm really new at being an Army, and I don't want to get it wrong or upset anyone. Please bear with me, as I really want to do this but my fear might hinder me. Also, I'm open to any ideas and notes to help me along. Sorry this post is so long.
OMG!!!! I'm totally going ballistics here! I always thought for a long time on my theory that Webby was Scrooge's daughter. I even made my Ducktales fanfic eplicidly about it. I'm just... Holy Shit.... I was right the entire time. I think I'm gonna pass out....
@Asgardianprincess101 Are you going to keep writing your Ducktales fanfic about that because I really like that book :)
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